

第1个回答  2024-02-10
Sweden, also known as the Kingdom of Sweden, is a country located in the southeastern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. With a coastline of approximately 7,624 kilometers, it covers a total area of about 450,000 square kilometers, making it the largest country in Northern Europe.
Sweden is bordered by Finland to the northeast, Norway to the west, the Bothnian Bay and the Baltic Sea to the east, which separates it from Russia across the sea, and the North Sea to the southwest, with Denmark and the United Kingdom across the sea. The country's territory is approximately 449,964 square kilometers (excluding territorial waters). The territorial waters have a 12-nautical-mile zone, and the coastline is about 2,181 kilometers long, with about 15% of the land located within the Arctic Circle.
The east of Sweden borders the Baltic Sea, and the southwest borders the North Sea. The terrain of Sweden slopes from northwest to southeast, with the Norrland Plateau in the north. Sweden is a long and narrow country, with mostly flat or hilly terrain in the south and along the coast. Sweden has many rivers, including the Gota, Dal, and Ume rivers. There are about 100,000 lakes in the country. The largest lake, Vattern, covers an area of 5,585 square kilometers, ranking third in Europe.
The climate of Sweden is mainly temperate continental, with a significant influence of the Atlantic Ocean on the coastal areas, resulting in mild and rainy winters. The climate is characterized by subarctic coniferous forests in most areas and deciduous forests in the southernmost part. The average January temperature in the north is -16 degrees Celsius, while in the south, it is -0.7 degrees Celsius. The average July temperature in the north is 14.2 degrees Celsius, and in the south, it is 17.2 degrees Celsius. Iron, forestry, and hydropower are the three main resources in Sweden. By 2014, Sweden had proven iron ore reserves of 365 million tons, making it the largest iron ore exporter in Europe. It also has uranium reserves of 2.5 to 3 million tons. About 54% of the country is covered in forests, with a total timber stock of 264 million cubic meters. Annually, about 20.14 million kilowatts (17.6 billion kilowatt-hours) of hydropower resources are available for use, of which 81% has been developed.
As of 2014, Sweden is divided into 21 provinces and 289 municipalities. Governors are appointed by the government, while municipal leadership is elected, and both levels of government have significant autonomy. The population of Sweden is highly concentrated in the southern and central regions, where 90% of the population lives. The province of Malmohus has a population density of 151 people per square kilometer, while the province of Jemtland has only 3 people per square kilometer. The main reasons for this uneven distribution of population are urbanization and natural geographical conditions, as areas with high altitude and high latitude are sparsely populated.
Sweden has seen an increasing number of refugees from southern Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Central America. Their integration with local residents is challenging, and the rise in immigration has also led to an increase in Sweden's crime rate. After the 1970s, the Swedish government tightened restrictions on immigration. By 2008, the number of immigrants had exceeded the number of emigrants from Sweden. Most immigrants come from other Scandinavian countries, with Finns being the largest group. As of July 2013, Sweden's total population was 9.1194 million. The population growth rate is 0.163%.
Approximately one million immigrants and their descendants live in the United States, Canada, Finland, and Denmark, accounting for about 15% of Sweden's population. As of August 2014, Sweden's total population was 9.68 million. The Swedish nation is predominantly made up of the Swedish ethnic group, accounting for 90% of the population. There are about 3,000 Finns and 20,000 Sami people in the north. In addition, there are Danes, Norwegians, Germans, Jews, and other ethnic groups. The Swedes are one of the North European ethnic groups, belonging to the Nordic type of the European race. They are tall, have fair skin, and blue eyes.
The term "Sweden" comes from the Swedish word meaning "Kingdom of Peace." The name originates from the region where Sweden was first established (now central Sweden). Sweden is also known as the "Forest Kingdom," the "Lake Kingdom," the "European Sawmill," the "Nordic Snow Country," and the "Dryland."
The Swedish flag was officially adopted on June 22, 1906. According to legend, in 1157, Swedish King Eric IX prayed before embarking on a campaign in Finland when he saw a golden cross shining across the sky. The pattern of a blue background with a golden cross and a blue background with a golden crown became the national symbols of Sweden. Some believe that the golden cross refers to the golden cross of the Vasa dynasty and was designed with a blue background.
The Swedish coat of arms comes in two sizes, with a medieval flavor. The large coat of arms features a shield with the flag pattern placed in a luxurious tent. Behind it, there are two groups of patterns: one is blue, with three beautiful crowns emerging from the ground, which has been used as Sweden's symbol since 1364, representing the monarchy that still exists today; the other group is a blue and white striped background with a golden lion standing on it, symbolizing the ancient Vasa dynasty.
The center of the coat of arms contains a small coat of arms: a red background with a silver band supporting a golden pot; a golden eagle flying in the starry night sky; and a silver castle standing majestically under the blue sky. They represent the Vasa dynasty and its successor, the Bernadotte family. On either side of the shield stand a lion with a golden crown, and the royal crown is surrounded by chains of the Order of the Six Wings, with vivid angelic images on the chains.
The letter "e" in Swedish has a long vowel sound /i/ when it appears in a stressed syllable. The pronunciation involves raising the front part of the tongue without touching the upper palate, without any friction, with the teeth slightly closed, and the lips flat. This sound can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word, such as "even," "meter," "fever," "zebra," "he," "we," "me," "be," "hope," "I," "can," "help," "you," "understand," "mysteries," "clarify," "puzzles," "confusions," "enigmas," "enlighten," "illuminate," "solve," "problems," "dilemmas," "quandaries," "riddles," "conundrums," "mystifications," "obscurities," "clarities," "distinctions," "differences," "distinctions," "contrasts," "varieties," "diversity," "heterogeneity," "hodgepodge," "mishmash," "melange," "amalgam," "conglomerate," "agglomerate," "clutter," "jumble," "tangle," "knot," "bundle," "package," "parcel," "lot," "batch," "series," "sequence," "order," "arrangement," "disposition," "layout," "arrangement," "planning," "preparation," "organization," "structure," "framework," "scaffold," "foundation," "base," "bottom," "floor," "ground," "soil," "dirt," "earth," "land," "terrain," "countryside," "rural," "agrarian," "farming," "agricultural," "ranching," "畜牧业," "animal husbandry," "livestock," "cattle," "oxen," "buffalo," "bovine," "cow," "bull," "ox," "animal," "beast," "creature," "life form," "organism," "entity," "individual," "instance," "case," "example," "specimen," "sample," "pattern," "model," "type," "variety," "form," "shape," "appearance," "look," "sight," "vision," "glance," "glimpse," "peek," "glance," "eye," "sight," "vision," "perception," "awareness," "consciousness," "mind," "intellect," "intelligence," "wisdom," "knowledge," "information," "data," "facts," "figures," "statistics," "num详情




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