
在学习中,我需要完成各种任务,来提升自己的能力。一直以来,我对于任务的态度就是一定要尽量去把它做好。当然,不是所有的任务都是简简单单能够完成的,有些任务就是需要我们花费一定的时间和精力去做的。 在做一项任务之前,我会首先去了解一下这项任务的内容和特点是什么,需要通过什么样的途径去解决它,并且掌握大概需要花费的时间,然后我在心里有了目标以后,实施起来就会更加方便一些。首先,我会好好利用身边可以利用的资源来进行对任务的研究,比如说可以在学校的图书馆查找一些资料,或者是和同学一起讨论一下,让同学对我的解决方案提出他们的建议,或者是可以参考一下同学们对于这项任务的更好的想法。通过这些途径,我不仅可以解决自己的难题,还可以在同学的建议和鼓励下使得自己有动力做得更好。 我觉得做任务的时候,自己心里一定要有条理,有顺序,不能总是半途而废,没有毅力。这样是没有效果的,也会使自己的思维混乱,不能很好的完成任务。正确的做法应该是自己要有清晰的思路,并且可以在完成每一个小点后回头看看自己做的这些对于完成这项任务是不是有效。 还有一点就是,一定要提前在规定的日期之内完成任务,这是我对自己的要求,我觉得做任务应该是在提升我们对于处理事情的能力,所以不能总是拖延时间去完成,应该积极的,认真的去做好任务。我想,通过我以上的这些计划,我的任务会完成的很出色,我也相信自己有这样的能力

第1个回答  2011-06-01
In the study, I need to perform a variety of tasks, to improve their skills. Since, I for task of attitude is must try to do it well. Of course, not all the task is simple to be complete, some task is we need to spend some time and energy to do. Doing a task, I will first to understand before about this task content and characteristics of what is what kind of, need through ways to solve it, and have probably need to spend time in my heart, and then, after a goal out will more convenient some. First, I will make good use of side can use resources to tasks to the research, for example, can be in the school library to find some material, or classmates and discuss, let students to my solution put forward their advice, or can consult students for this task better idea. By these means, I can not only solve our problems, still can be in the advice and encouragement of classmates have motivated to do better. I think a task, my heart must be organized, has order, can't always give up, no perseverance. This is no effect, also can make their own confusion, cannot be very good to complete the task. The correct procedure should be his clarity of thought, and it can complete each little point in after turned to see do these to finish the task is effective. Also the fact that must advance within the period stipulated in complete the task, and this is my to own request, I think a task should be in the ascent to our ability to deal with things, so can't always delay time to complete, should be actively, the earnest to make tasks. I think, through these plans of over me, I will complete the task of the very well, I also believe that you have the ability to do this

This is to write about myself how to handle a task
第2个回答  2011-06-01
In the study, I need to perform a variety of tasks, to improve their skills. Since, I for task of attitude is must try to do it well. Of course, not all the task is simple to be complete, some task is we need to spend some time and energy to do. Doing a task, I will first to understand before about this task content and characteristics of what is what kind of, need through ways to solve it, and have probably need to spend time in my heart, and then, after a goal out will more convenient some. First, I will make good use of side can use resources to tasks to the research, for example, can be in the school library to find some material, or classmates and discuss, let students to my solution put forward their advice, or can consult students for this task better idea. By these means, I can not only solve our problems, still can be in the advice and encouragement of classmates have motivated to do better. I think a task, my heart must be organized, has order, can't always give up, no perseverance. This is no effect, also can make their own confusion, cannot be very good to complete the task. The correct procedure should be his clarity of thought, and it can complete each little point in after turned to see do these to finish the task is effective. Also the fact that must advance within the period stipulated in complete the task, and this is my to own request, I think a task should be in the ascent to our ability to deal with things, so can't always delay time to complete, should be actively, the earnest to make tasks. I think, through these plans of over me, I will complete the task of the very well, I also believe that you have the ability to do this
第3个回答  2011-06-01
In the study, I need to perform a variety of tasks, to improve their skills. Since, I for task of attitude is must try to do it well. Of course, not all the task is simple to be complete, some task is we need to spend some time and energy to do. Doing a task, I will first to understand before about this task content and characteristics of what is what kind of, need through ways to solve it, and have probably need to spend time in my heart, and then, after a goal out will more convenient some. First, I will make good use of side can use resources to tasks to the research, for example, can be in the school library to find some material, or
第4个回答  2011-06-01
in the study, I need to perform a variety of tasks, to improve their skills. Since, I for task of attitude is must try to do it well. Of course, not all the task is simple to be complete, some task is we need to spend some time and energy to do. Doing a task, I will first to understand before about this task content and characteristics of what is what kind of, need through ways to solve it, and have probably need to spend time in my heart, and then, after a goal out will more convenient some. First, I will make good use of side can use resources to tasks to the research, for example, can be in the school library to find some material, or classmates and discuss.
第5个回答  2011-06-01
大哥 太长了…… 你可以挑出几句你不会的 没人会为了区区20分浪费这个时间的



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