英语高手请进 帮我翻译下面一段话, 因为我还要翻译成日语, 所以要准确一些, 翻译器不要, 多谢。

where ⊿ν is the linewidth, in frequency units, of the transition from the excited to the ground state. As the ground state has an infinite lifetime and therefore represents a so-called δ-function (infinitely narrow peak), the width immediately mirrors the width of the excited state.
However, the mearsured linewidth is always greater than the actual linewidth, which is derived from the natural lifetime.
We have to take into account a further broadening of the linewidth, i.e., a reduction in the lifetime, by collision, stimulated emission(as in lasers, cf. section3.4.5) or by Doppler shift as caused by the relative motion of the molecules and the observer. Broadening of the linewidth by collision and induced emission, as homogeneous processes, lead to a Lorentzian shape, while Doppler broadening, as an inhomogeneous process, yields a Gaussian line shape. The combination of both line shapes is described by the so-called ‘Voigt’ profile.
第二个单词是 得儿塔微 ⊿ν 不要搞错了 不要翻译器

第1个回答  2011-06-09
不好意思 不会
第2个回答  2011-06-09
第3个回答  2011-06-09
问老师啊 我真不会
第4个回答  2011-06-09
给我100块 这个专业




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