
我已经拿到了VISA ,我现在还有一些问题想咨询一下,希望你帮助我。


2我打算8月中旬入境美国,我想在入境前先将住房联系好,我知道AAU的教学楼分布在旧金山的各地,我的专业是fine art ,我想知道我具体上课的地方在什么地方,在什么地方租房比较方便上课。



第1个回答  2011-05-30
My visa application has been approved. I have a few enquiries, i hope you can clarified my doubt.
1 I am going for the medical check up, does AAU require the students to get any specific vaccination?
2 I understand that there are a few AAU campuses in San Francisco, i am majoring in fine art, i would like to know the exact location of the campus and which area would you suggest to rent so that it will be convient for me to get to the campus. As i am going to the States in mid-August, i will be delighted if the accommodation has been settled and arranged by then.
3 When will i choose the courses?本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-05-30
Dear Officer,
I am an international students. I have passed VISA interview and now I have some questions.
1 What is the immunization requirements of AAU?
2 I major in fine art. So I wonder the location of my college and would you mind offering me some information about renting housing there? By the way, I will arrive in the USA around the mid August. I hope I can deal housing issue before my arrival.
3 When the AAU course register will start?
Write to me soon

PS 你这些问题如果问朋友就无所谓了,但是问学校的人就太业余了,这些东西出了房子之外,剩下的应该都在人家官方网站上有
第3个回答  2011-05-30
I've gotten the VISA, but I still have few more questions to ask, please give me some advise.
1. I am getting physical for aborad, I want know if I need to get vaccination before i register school in AAU.
2. I plan to border in USA in middle Auguest, and I want to get the housing items before i entering. I konw the teaching buildings of AAU are located in some places of LA, my major is fine art, i want konw what the exactly place which i study, and where shall i rent my house is convinent for my study.
3. when I can sign up for the courses in AAU?
ecpect your relply
第4个回答  2011-05-30
I have got VISA, but now I have something to consult with you and I hope you can help me.
1 I am preparing a health checkup before going abroad. I want to know whether AAU requires students to vaccinate before getting to the campus?
2 I plan to enter USA atmiddle August. so I want to find a good residence before I enter USA. I have got that the teaching building of AAU was located in San Francisco. My major is fine art and I want to konw the specific address of where I should attend class? And where should I rent so that it may be convenient for me to have class?
3 When can I choose the course ?
Look forward to your reply
第5个回答  2011-05-30
I have gotten visa,now i want to consult you some questions and hope you can help me.
First, i preparing my physical examination for going abroad before, i want to know wether the AUU need students to inject any vaccines.
Second, i intend to go to USA in the middle of Augest, and i want reserve my plcae to live before enter USA ,becase i understanded the teachingbulid of AUU spread different places of L.A.
what's more ,my college major is Fine Art ,so i want to learn about where is my classrooms and which place is cheaper to rent placeto live ,meanwhile which convients for me to go to my classroom.
Third,when i can choose my curriculums in AUU



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