

第1个回答  2023-02-03
【 #英语资源# 导语】夏天是植物生长旺盛的时候,也是天气炎热的时候。关于炎热的夏天作文你知道怎么写吗?以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In this summer season, every day is hot. On summer nights, when you sleep in an air-conditioned room, there is an insect that takes advantage of your inattention, first kisses you, and then sends you a big red envelope, keeping you awake all night. No matter whether you are angry or happy, it will give you red envelopes every day. We can't give out such red envelopes, so we can only enjoy them by ourselves. This kind of insect is a mosquito, so mosquitoes care about us most in summer.

  The temperature of 37 degrees in summer is only the temperature of the air. The temperature on the ground is more than 150 degrees in more than 14 years, and even more than 60 degrees and more than 70 degrees! The eggs immediately cooked when they hit the ground. Considering this temperature, it's terrible. Let me tell you a joke: "A man was about to leave at the airport. Suddenly, a man ran and said, 'Hello, Africans!' the man said, 'I'm not Africans, I'm Chinese, and you're Africans!' then said that he was from Africa and said, 'I'm not Africans, so why are you so black!' then the Chinese said, 'it's not that we're very hot there, and the sun is too hot, and almost everyone has the same skin as soy sauce Color. '"

  You can't imagine the heat in summer. It will make you upset and irritable. You don't want to eat any food, and you have no appetite to eat. Even if there is a fan, you are sweating, sweating, and your body is wet. The more the fan blows, the hotter it gets, and you still can't live without air conditioning in summer.

  Because it's too hot in summer, I think it would be great if there was such a machine in the world, that is, it can absorb the sultry air and release the fresh air. It's hot in summer, so you can put it at home Absorb the hot air and save it for winter. If it is cold in winter, you can absorb the cold air at home and save it for summer, and then release the hot air in summer. However, you can only put the air at home, and you can't absorb the outside air. Otherwise, it's the opposite of winter and summer. With such a machine, the environment will not be polluted in summer. What do you think of my idea?

  This summer, it's still hot


  Summer is a season full of passion; Summer is a season full of hope; Summer is a vibrant season; Summer is a season to test people's hearts and endurance.

  Just entering June, we have ushered in a high temperature of 38 degrees Celsius. It is undoubtedly difficult to study seriously under the high temperature of 38 degrees Celsius. This is nature testing us, but also ourselves testing ourselves! There is only one month left from the final exam. If you want to "turn over the salted fish", you must be strong enough to spend this hot June; Those who want to "leap over the dragon's gate with carp" (improve themselves) should spend this difficult June with an extremely correct attitude and full enthusiasm for learning!

  As the ancients said: Heaven will impose great responsibilities on people, they must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skin, empty their bodies, and brush their actions disorderly, so be patient and gain what they can't.

  In this June, some students are restless, and the class is not as quiet as before. The teacher speaks above, the students speak below, and even some students look at their watches from time to time, hoping to get up and finish class quickly. Sometimes I can't help looking around. I don't want to do my homework when I get home, and I'm not as active in class as before. Yes, it's really hot, but we can't blame God!

  Because some students, Si Hao, were not affected by the weather. They should study, do their homework, answer questions and answer questions, as if these hot days had wiped out these sweat beads for them.

  In fact, no one feels good in such weather. But why can those people still be as stable as Qinshan? Because they are calm, the test this summer is not our bodies, but our hearts!

  As the saying goes: "calm naturally cool!" When our hearts calm down, those so-called hot, uncomfortable, also unconsciously drifted away with the wind.

  Therefore, let's happily accept the "painstaking efforts, tiring muscles and bones, starving body and skin, and empty body" before the great task from heaven under the high temperature of 38 ℃. Let's "be patient", and then "gain what we can't"!


  The most annoying thing in summer is his heat. Almost all places are very muggy. As long as it is where the sun shines, it is unbearably hot in the early morning. It seems that the whole earth is scorched by the sun. No matter in rural areas or cities, no matter in fields or roads, or in squares and parks, there are white flowers everywhere, so bright that people can't open their eyes.

  In the park, there were countless people doing morning exercises, but now there are few people. The dancing aunt in the square also went home to blow the air conditioner. There are all kinds of people who go to work on the road. Drivers turn on the air conditioner as soon as they light the fire, otherwise they must be too hot to stand. People who drive battery cars and bicycles are fully armed, painted with sunscreen, wearing sunscreen gloves and hats, wearing silk stockings on their legs, and quickly wipe sunscreen when they go home. These days, many people go to the supermarket, but most of them don't come to buy things, but rub the air conditioner. The leaves on both sides of the road are still energetic in the morning, but they droop listlessly at noon. I also heard others say that as long as you break the egg and put it on the manhole cover, it will ripen in twoorthree minutes. It is said that it can be eaten!

  In the village, the villagers get up at 5:30 to weed. If they come later, the sun will not be so gentle now, but become vicious. The big dog was breathless because its hair was too long. It was so hot that it opened its mouth, stretched out its tongue, and wheezed. Children are playing with water in the stream, while others are blowing air conditioning, playing with computers, or watching TV. Some children eat at least oneortwo popsicles a day, and more than threeorfive popsicles a day. The cleaners swept the floor and went to enjoy the cool.

  Do you think the heat in summer is annoying?


  Summer is coming, and people can't stand the high temperature of nearly 30 degrees every day. Such a hot temperature, coupled with high-intensity ultraviolet radiation, staying outdoors all day long is really beyond the endurance of ordinary people!

  When summer comes, air conditioners and electric fans in every household run all day from morning till night. Mango ice, watermelon juice, mung bean paste, swimsuits... Appear beside you and me all the time. The warm sea breeze at the seaside and the cool water temperature in the swimming pool are the best enjoyment for everyone in summer!

  In the hot afternoon, the sun sent out his greatest enthusiasm, but we were about to be roasted and scorched by his enthusiasm. Busy work, coupled with the sultry weather, office is particularly unpleasant; The examinees kept on reading in the cram school, but the sultry weather also ruined their mood for reading; The workers kept shuttling around the construction site. Because of the hot sun, the wood and cement in their hands became heavier.

  It's really a great pleasure in life to hide indoors all day and enjoy air conditioning and electric fans. If you have another cool drink or ice, it's really the simplest way to reduce summer heat! Going to the swimming pool to dissipate the summer heat is also a great exercise in summer. Soaking in the cold water all over, the pleasure is really unspeakable for a time! In addition, there is another activity that you can enjoy greatly without spending any money, that is, sitting under the big tree on the lawn, drinking a cup of afternoon tea, listening to soft music, enjoying the green scenery in front of you, relaxing your body and enjoying the wind of nature, which is really a leisurely enjoyment!


  Some people like the spring when everything recovers; Some people like autumn with fragrant melons and fruits; Some people like winter in winter, but I like summer with scorching sun! You see, before you know it, Miss Xia came to our campus quietly.

  In the morning, when I came to the campus, I saw that many water lilies had opened, and the lotus leaves were crowded like a big green disc. The pool is like a stage, with beautiful water lilies dancing on the stage, just like many children showing beautiful dances. It's really diverse! This beautiful scenery makes people feel vibrant at a glance.

     Miss Xia came wearing green clothes and garlands. Pomegranate flower rushed out of the house to meet her. Seeing that they were so enthusiastic, Miss Xia put on red coats for the babies and gave her mother a emerald green dress. Pomegranate babies rushed out of her mother's stomach and were busy coming out to see the beauty of early summer!

  When Miss Xia came, the willow tree grew small tender green leaves, like strings of peppers, and also came out to see this novel beauty. Willow girl bowed politely to say hello to Miss Xia: "Hello, Miss Xia, welcome, welcome!" The children put on fashionable clothes to show their beautiful style to Miss Xia. Miss Xia played with her classmates on the playground, splashed in the water by the river, quietly listened to the students' reading voices outside the classroom, and spent a brilliant childhood with them

  In order to welcome Miss Xia, the grass clapped her hands, the butterflies danced for her, the frogs sang for her, the insects accompanied her, and the flowers dressed her up. They all competed to decorate the campus in early summer more colorful.

  You see, after the careful decoration of Miss Xia, our campus has added a bit of beauty, vitality and excitement!


  Spring in the north is always short, like a bridge in winter and summer. People in winter and running water in summer walk on the small bridge, looking left, right, up and down. It's all scenery. If you don't pay attention, you'll cross the green bridge deck. Go back, hehe, next year.

  Either I like summer very much, or I hate it very much, because the four seasons are like life, the samsara is flat, I am used to indifference, I rise in the morning and rest in the evening, and I walk on the road like a pendulum. Summer came with the solar term. I didn't think about my feelings or ask for my consent. I understood that, just as I raised my hands to fate, I turned myself around, helpless and tragic.

  In early summer, the wind blew, and there was no trace in the twinkling of an eye. The wind in summer is always pleasant, but the wind in summer is stingy. It's stingy enough to blow away. It hasn't taken away the sweat in my heart, but it slipped away, leaving people in a daze under the scorching sun. Sigh, alas, it's just to find a green shade. It's too hard to control the external wind that day, or there's a green shade.

  Summer is coming, hide yourself in the air-conditioned room. Isolated from the outdoors, I refined myself, counted my thoughts, spread out the time and looked slowly, trying to find out the impurities of life, and the cool air, cool arms, cool eyes, where I touch is even more bone penetrating than the cold of winter. Suddenly, I have a desire to rush out. Summer should be the season of sweating, sweating profusely, haha. Why should a man's coarseness and vastness be ground in an air-conditioned room, and why should he pursue such a pure life. If the impurity is a truth, why not.

  PA, turn off the air conditioner. The heat wave is coming, let's make it more violent.


  There are four seasons in a year, with warm spring and blooming spring; Autumn with fruits; There is a snowy winter and a hot tempered "big bear" - summer. Summer is the hottest season of the year.

  In the morning, as soon as I woke up from my dream, the big bear was ready to work with the cloud stairs. The little tree straightened up, stretched out his hands, and combed his hair neatly; The mother birds are looking for food everywhere, ready to feed the sleeping children; The bugs are running away quickly to avoid being caught by the mother birds... It's such a beautiful summer morning.

  Slowly, the hottest time of the day came. At noon, the big bear has reached the sky along the cloud stairs, and the sun is burning the earth like a raging fire. When I walked in the street, the wind blew to me. The usually cute, lively and cool wind girl turned into a fierce and dark wind bear. The birds are no longer looking for food outside, and they all hide in their nests to sleep; The air is not as fresh as in the morning, and it has become very sultry.

  The hard day finally passed. In the evening, the bear was very tired, lying on the soft cloud elevator and slowly returned to the room to rest. The sky was roasted all day and turned orange red. At this time, we all ran out of the house excitedly and came to the busiest square. People here, some are dancing in the square, some are running, and some are playing werewolf killing... All of us get up and play in the lively square.

  This is the hottest season of the year - summer. Although it has many disadvantages, it also has many advantages, such as swimming, eating ice cream and so on, so I like hot summer.


  Summer is scorching like fire. It is a hot and happy season.

  summer, the sun father-in-law is very diligent. Every morning, the sky is clear, and the sky is high and clear. It plated everything with gold. Groups of lively birds are jumping and chirping on the branches of towering green trees. The morning air is fresh and cool, bringing bursts of rice fragrance. Maybe this year will be another bumper harvest year. In the afternoon, the sky was clear, and the sun burned the ground like crazy, the asphalt road was soft, the leaves rolled up, and the cicadas were hot on the trees, "cicadas... Cicadas..." screamed bitterly, and their voices changed from high to low, heavy and slow. It's so hot that even ducks are enjoying the cool under the shade of trees by the river. They are listless and don't even want to swim. Only the industrious ants keep moving their houses. Maybe they know that there will be thunderstorms in the near future! This is what people expect!

  In the evening, the sun father-in-law, who had been tired for a day, went lazily to the West and dyed half of the earth red. People come and go along the river. Some people take a bath and swim. Children are looking for shells in the river water. Some are chasing each other and playing. The laughter is as high and low as waves. The cool river washes away people's fatigue and sweat all day, making people feel particularly cool. At night, people all came to Wenchang Qiaotou garden to sing and dance and enjoy the river breeze. Some people play hammer fishing by the Dream Lake, others absorb fresh air from the trees in the park, and chat with each other in groups


  Summer is a big stove, which I like and hate.

  Although summer is very hot, it can let us eat cold watermelon and ice cream to relieve the summer heat, and it can also let us rush into the swimming pool at the hottest time.

  Summer is the hottest season of the year. In summer, the puppy will stretch out its pink tongue to dissipate heat. It seems to say, "it's hot, it's hot." Cicada also kept shouting. It seemed to beg and say, "God, please take summer away!" Even I don't want to go out of this room, because once you muster up the courage to go out, a powerful heat will rush to your face. I hope to lie in a soft bed and turn on the air conditioner every day. I think everyone should think the same as me.

  Although summer is very hot, many plants like it, and even some plants warmly welcome it, sunflower is one of them. There will be the sun almost every day in summer. The enthusiastic sunflowers constantly bow to the sun father-in-law. The huge leaves and golden overlapping petals guard summer straightly. Morning glory will also sound its own trumpet with all kinds of music in summer. Summer is a stage for lotus to bloom, so every year I come to the pond to watch the lotus. Some of them are in full bloom, like beautiful princesses, some are half open, as if there are many treasures hidden inside, and some are still a small bud, like a baby, preparing to bloom themselves.

  On summer nights, the stars twinkle, and many children next door surround the old man. While fanning, the old man tells the children fairy tales, such as "Hou Yi shoots the sun", "Pangu opens the world"... When the story comes to the end, the children can't help clapping their hands.

  Summer is hot, but happy.


  Time is like a horse, running fast. In the twinkling of an eye, the warm and vibrant spring has passed, ushering in a hot and scorching summer.

  People's clothes get thinner in summer, but they still feel very hot. Look! The watermelons that quench people's thirst are ripe. Watermelons are like chubby little dolls born in the hot summer. The shape of watermelon is round, like a green balloon; The vines on its head are curly, like the tail of a pig. The stripes on the watermelon skin, like the route in the treasure map, seem to tell us that it has many secrets waiting for us to discover.

  Cut open the skin to see the bright red pulp, full of water, like a little girl's blushing face; The scattered watermelon seeds are black, just like the black sesame on the red cake, not to mention how attractive! Take a bite, and your mouth is full of juice. It's cool and sweet. The more you eat, the more you like it. The frozen watermelon is even cooler and refreshing. Eating a frozen watermelon in hot weather is really cool! Watermelon is not only delicious for meat, but also valuable for other parts!

  First of all, watermelon seed is a favorite snack after processing, which is delicious and nutritious. After eating the pulp, don't throw away the remaining watermelon peel. Wash it clean, cut off the green skin, cut it into small pieces, and stick it on your face, which is the watermelon facial mask. This is a natural beauty product. It not only has no side effects, but also costs no money!

  Watermelon skin is generally thick. People who love carving can also use it as melon carving, which not only saves resources but also beautifies life. Watermelon peel is also a favorite food for chickens and pigs. People who raise poultry and livestock can use it as a delicacy for animals!

  In summer, not only watermelon was born in summer, but also lotus. The beautiful lotus is like a slim little girl. Cicadas kept shouting in the tree as if they were shouting: it's so hot! so hot! Why did you bring us such a gift in summer.



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