

第1个回答  2020-11-18
the North pole ;“I think the exposure pathway for us, the main exposure pathway, may be the air that we breathe,” says Melanie Bergmann, a marine ecologist from the Alfred Wegener Institute and leading author on the new paper.Although it's remote, the Arctic is far from pristine(_于原始状态的), with much of the world's pollution eventually making its way there. Bergmann and her colleagues had been studying plastics on the Arctic sea floor since 2002. Over the past decade or so, they noticed huge increases in the amount they were seeing, including a tenfold rise at one station.So they started to look for microplastics in the Arctic water column. Large amounts turned up everywhere they looked. In deep sea sediments(沉积物), they found about 6,000 particles in every 2.2 pounds of mud. Sea ice was even more laden—as much as 12,000 particles per 34 ounces of melted ice. And other researchers found that Arctic surface waters had the highest microplastic concentrations of all the world's oceans.来源:疯狂英语·爱英语




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