

第1个回答  2011-03-06




3:记分方式:记分方式通常分两种:一种是用数字法,但不普遍。中国的话,是60分及格。一种是英文方式,A B C D E F 来分等级。A表示最高的等级,F代表不及格。有些学校还会用A+或者A-这样作为成绩的一部分。如果学生有一门课不及格,成绩单上便会有个记录,他就必须要重修才能通过这一课。




The different Sino-US education system
1: teacher-student relationship: In China, due to the role of teachers and students because of the relationship between teachers and students also compared alienation. For example, I read in Chinese high school, students in school, no teacher's name am having unless it is privately very good friends, or teachers have only just graduated from university near young people, but not in public places such "unbridled." But in the United States, many teachers think students am having their names, for granted. But still respected by the students, the majority of students not only as their mentor as a guide, and even more to them as their friends, so the United States is the relationship between teachers and students is not a mere formality for comparison.

I personally think that, between teachers and students, in itself should not have any distance. But communication is good for interactive teaching and learning more help. But because of my personality reasons, whether I am in China or abroad, and the teachers have very good relations. They only asked me Shirley.

2: the different structure: China most of the children go to school in the 7-year-old. Six years of elementary school, junior high school three years, the high school three years before university. Only a few areas, the children in the 5-year-old when school. But the same basic education system. The United States does not like, here, in general, the United States adopted a four-year high school, junior high school three years, the primary school is five years. However, some school districts, from primary one to sixth grade, junior high and relatively level from 2007 to the eighth grade.

However, the Chinese students to come to the United States, or any other country to study, to read the year "pre-university", it is necessary to converge the previous year, as well as to let students better grasp of English. I think this is necessary, of course, you can not apply for university matriculation unless you submit TOEFL or IELTS high performance.

3: Points Means: Points are usually of two ways: one is using digital law, but not universal. China, it would be 60 minutes pass. One is the English way, the A B C D E F for grading. A said that the highest grade, F representatives failed. Some schools also use A + or A-part of this as a success. If students do not pass a course, there will be a report card on the record, he must repair before it could be passed this course.

4: male-female relationships: Here, men and women friends in the campus too affectionate, kissing on the playground, if caught by the administrative staff, will only verbal warnings. Even ordinary teacher does not handle. Do not be severely punished. But if it is in China, even universities, are estimated by the criticism and punishment. In particular the high school, at least we schools, their students "Puppy Love" phenomenon is very strict. Boys and girls in front of teachers, we must keep a distance.

5: sit for university: I do not know whether China's need for high school students activities of the curriculum vitae. When they apply for the university. No longer are, as long as there are scores will be scored. But in the United States, built in a good enough resume, please vehement in the way they help you write letters of recommendation for scholarships, university applications have occupied a lot of weight.

6: University of applications and submission: applications University in the United States, in addition to "regular school" approach, there are "early entry permit" approach and "early action." After only two applications for universities, students can advance to a period of about one month hearts of the ideal university to apply (for the first choice), then in December about whether they knew and were admitted. "Advance permission enrollment" and "early action" difference is that advance permission is binding, meaning that once they are admitted Health, must be registered; By contrast, early action is only allowing students to apply early. However, only two private universities can apply for this approach: Stanford University to provide "advance permission enrollment" program.



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