八年级下册Unit1 8页 Section 2 短文及翻译


第1个回答  2011-03-04
但是一名研究机器人的科学家James White并不同意这种看法。他认为这对于一个机器人去做类似人类做的事将会很困难。举一个例子,起床并且知道自己在哪里对于一个孩子来说很简单。怀特先生认为机器人将很难做到这一点。但是其它科学家不同意。他们认为机器人将能够与人类对话在25至50年以后。
短文:In some science fiction films, people in the future will have their own robot. These robots like human beings. They help with the housework and do some very unpleasant work.

Some scientists believe that in the future will have so of robot. However, they think it will be over hundreds of years. Scientists are now trying making resembles human and can do like human robot. Japanese companies prepare production will walk can dance robots. These robots will looks interesting.

But a study of the robot scientists James white.on disagrees. He thought it for a robot to do similar humans do will be difficult. For example, get up and know where they for a child is very simple. Mr. White think robot will make it difficult to do it. But other scientists don't agree. They think the robot will be able to and human dialogue in 25 to 50 years later.

Research robots scientists did not just trying to do grow like human robot. For example, it will be prepared to let robot work at the factory. These robots have a strong arm. They would reiterate to you to do some simple job. People would not like to do such work also think this very boring. But robots will never get bored.

In the future, in all places will have robots, people will just do less work. New robot will have different shapes. Some will grow like humans, and some other even will grow like snakes. After an earthquake, a machine snakes can help find pressure under the building of mankind. That seems to be not likely, but computers, space robot and even charged toothbrush seems unlikely to happen in a hundred years ago, and we can never predict what will happen in the future!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-03-13



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