look out英语翻译


第1个回答  2023-05-06

"look out" 的英语翻译根据上下文和语境的不同而有所不同,可以表示小心、当心、注意、向外看,朝外看等不同的意思。

"Look out" 的英语翻译有以下几种:

    小心、当心、注意:这是 "look out" 最常见的翻译,表示提醒或警告对方小心或注意。例如,“Look out! There's a car coming.”(小心!有辆车来了。)

    向外看,朝外看:这种用法通常是指向外看或向外观察某个事物。例如,“I looked out the window and saw the snow falling.”(我朝窗外看去,看到雪花飘落。)


以下是一些常见的 "look" 的英文短语搭配:

    look forward to:期待,盼望。例如:"I'm really looking forward to the weekend."

    look up:查找,搜索。例如:"I need to look up the address of the restaurant."

    look out for:留意,提防。例如:"Look out for cars when you cross the street."

    look into:调查,研究。例如:"The company is looking into the issue of employee satisfaction."

    look over:检查,审查。例如:"Can you look over my essay and give me some feedback?"

    look down on:看不起,轻视。例如:"She always looks down on people who don't have a college degree."

    look after:照顾,照管。例如:"Can you look after my dog while I'm on vacation?"

    look back on:回顾,回忆。例如:"As I look back on my childhood, I realize how lucky I was."

    look the part:看起来像是某个角色或身份。例如:"She looks the part of a successful businesswoman."

    look alive:赶快行动,加快速度。例如:"Look alive, we only have five minutes to catch the train."




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