

第1个回答  2023-04-28
My neighborhood.
I live in a nice neighborhood. We have good relationship with our neighbors. Our community is beautiful with flowers and trees around. There is a big lake in the middle.
We also have convenient facilities around my neighborhood. There is a big supermarket nearby. A hospital is not far away from my home. I only take three stops to go to my school by bus.
It is really nice to have such a good neighborh.
第2个回答  2023-06-13
My neighbors are a colorful bunch - they're like a bag of mixed jelly beans! There's Mrs. Jones, who has an extraordinary affection for her five feline friends; she claims they speak to her. There's also the six-foot-five Mr. Brown, who looks intimidating but has a surprising penchant for knitting. His favorite creations? Cozy socks! Don't forget the teenage whiz kid, Billy, who’s always up to some crazy scientific experiment. Last week, he nearly caused a neighborhood-wide blackout with his homemade tesla coil! But guess what? We wouldn't trade this quirkiness for the world. It makes our neighborhood lively, unique, and simply, unforgettably fun!

翻译:我的街坊邻居们可是一群五彩斑斓的人 - 就像是一袋混合果冻豆!有乔氏太太,她对她的五个猫咪有着超乎寻常的喜爱;她声称她们能和她交谈。还有身高六英尺五的布朗先生,看上去很吓人,但他却对编织有着意想不到的喜好。他最喜欢的作品?温暖的袜子!别忘了那个青少年奇才,比利,他总是在进行一些疯狂的科学实验。上周,他用自制的特斯拉线圈差点引发全街区的停电!但你猜怎么着?我们不会用世界上任何东西去交换这些古怪之处。这使我们的社区活跃、独特,而且,令人难忘的有趣!
第3个回答  2023-06-08
My Neighbor
Living in a neighborhood that is friendly and close-knit is something that I value greatly. Fortunately, I have been lucky enough to live in such a community for several years now, and I have gotten to know my neighbors quite well, especially the family that lives next door.
The family who lives next door to me is friendly, kind and always willing to lend a helping hand. They have always been very welcoming to me and my family since the day we moved in. When we first moved in, they introduced themselves to us and brought over a fruit basket as a welcoming gift. Ever since then, we have had several opportunities to get to know each other better.
Their family is made up of a husband, wife, and two young children. The couple is both working and therefore, we don't get to see them very often during the week. However, we talk and catch up on the weekends. They have always been very quick to offer help whenever we have needed it, and have never hesitated to include us in any of their social gatherings.
The children in the family are always full of energy and are often found playing outside with the other kids in the neighborhood. They are usually accompanied by their parents, who are always ready to act as referees for their games, ensuring that everyone plays fairly and are able to have fun.
In conclusion, having friendly and caring neighbors like the family next door has made living in my neighborhood a pleasure. Their kindness and willingness to help have made a big difference in my life, and I am grateful to have such wonderful neighbors. 住在一个友好亲近的社区对我来说非常重要。幸运的是,我已经有幸在这样的社区生活了几年,我也有机会认识了我的邻居,尤其是住在我旁边的一家人。



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