
我和姐姐乘地铁去参观首都博物馆,花了我们一个小时到达首都博物馆。这里非常大,一进去我就看见了很多外国人。然后我去领票今馆,我们首先去了第二层参观,这里有着中国历史的见证物和一些国外的著名战役。 最显眼的是一些夏商的青铜器,但都是仿品。因为国家要保护真品。 随后我们去了第三层看见了古代瓷器艺术精品和各种各样的佛像。这些佛像有的残缺,有的生了锈。但人物的神态清晰可见。 最后有点累了,我们休息了一会儿。总的来说这次旅行非常高兴! 求人工翻译成英文

第1个回答  2014-07-10
  my sister and I take the subway to the capital museum, we spent an hour to get to the capital museum. Here is very large, in I saw a lot of foreigners. Then I went to the museum tickets, we went to visit the second layer, there is the famous battle of witness China history and some foreign. The most prominent is the Xia and Shang bronzes, but is imitation goods. Because the state to protect genuine. And then we went to see the third layers of ancient porcelain art and variety of buddha. These statues are incomplete, some rusty. But the manner of characters clearly visible. Finally, a little tired, we had a rest. In general this trip very happy!本回答被提问者采纳




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