
对于这个订单真的很抱歉,我把您急需这本书告诉了仓库的工作人员,但是仓库方面理解错了我的意思,把本来要寄出的书已经截回,并且已经卖出去了,他们也一直没有联系我,以至于我以为已经寄出去了,今天我又联系他们为什么一直没有回信,他们才告诉我这个不幸的消息,对此我感到非常难过和生气,但是已经无能为力,已经为您全额退款,并额外退款5元作为补偿,您如果在别的卖家重新订购,选择Expedited shipping,应该能赶在22号之前到达,希望不会太晚,谢谢您的理解和支持!再次为出现这样的失误向你道歉

第1个回答  2014-09-10
I'm terribly sorry for causing this trouble for you. I had informed the staff in our warehouse that you're in urgent need of this book but unfortunately they somehow midunderstood my report and called back the book which had already been on its way delivering to you. What can be sure is that the book you want has been sold to someone else and I failed to get the latest information about this until today , for several days they didn't give me any reply and I assumed that it has already been delievered. I was overwhelmed by sadness and irritation once I got the news, however, I could possibly do nothing but repay all your money and pay another 5 yuan more as a compensation for you. If you have ordered from another online store, please choose "expedited shipping" when it comes to the type of delivery, it can be expected to reach you before 22nd, I hope it wiil not be too late.
thanks for you understanding and support, I apologize sincerely for this trouble and I wish you all well.
第2个回答  2014-09-09

We realy sorry for this order: I told our warehouse staffs that you need this book in urgent, but they misunderstood and recalled the parcel they've sent, what wores was that they even sold it without noticing me which made me believed that i had the book sent out. they told me this tragedy until i called them today. i was very sad and angry, but nothing could be done. I've arrange your payment refunded and paid you extra 5 Yuan for compensation's sake. i suggest you use the Expedited shipping if you buy the book from other buyers, it will arrive you before Sept.22nd, hope it's not too late for you.

Thanks for your kind understanding and support! And apology for the mistake again.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2014-09-09
Sorry, we have run out of the stock of this book, you can delete your indent. I would like to get one from other place if you really need, but it will take almost a month or longer while the normal will take only from 14 to 21 days, I can't gurantee you. But, we will do our best.So, no matter what, just tell us your decision. Thank you for your understanding.




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