英语翻译 急急急急 !!!!!!!!!!!

他忠告我在决定购买那辆二手车前先弄清楚车况是否良好。(make a decision , make sure)


第1个回答  2011-01-07
He suggested that I make sure the second hand car is in good condition before making a decision of buying.
第2个回答  2011-01-07
He advises me to check the condition of that second-handed car before making the purchase.

make a decision作决定
make sure 确定某事
第3个回答  2011-01-07
He advised me to make sure that whether the second-hand car is in good condition before I made a dicision to buy it.
第4个回答  2011-01-07
He advised me to make sure that whether the second-hand car/bike is in good condition before I made a dicision to buy it.本回答被提问者采纳
第5个回答  2011-01-07
He counseled me to make sure whether the second-hand car is in good condition or not before making a decision to purchase it.



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