

第1个回答  2013-12-27

d then her eyes opened and she answered her own question. "Yes, you'll be fine. For
tonight, anyway." She grimaced. Even making faces, she looked like an angel.
"You'll come back?" I asked in a small voice.
"I promise–one hour."
I glanced at the clock over the kitchen table. She laughed and leaned in quickly to kiss me on
the cheek. Then she was gone.
I took a deep breath. Alice would be back. I suddenly felt so much better.
I had plenty to do to keep myself busy while I waited. A shower was definitely first on the
agenda. I sniffed my shoulders as I undressed, but I couldn't smell anything but the brine and
seaweed scent of the ocean. I wondered what Alice had meant about me smelling bad.
When I was cleaned up, I went back to the kitchen. I couldn't see any signs that Charlie 'lad
eaten recently, and he would probably be hungry when he got back. I hummed tunelessly to
myself as I moved around the kitchen.
While Thursday's casserole rotated in the microwave, I made up the couch with sheets and
an old pillow. Alice wouldn't need it, but Charlie would need to see it. I was careful not to
watch the clock. There was no reason to start myself panicking; Alice had promised.
I hurried through my dinner, not tasting it–just feeling the ache as it slid down my raw throat.
Mostly I was thirsty; I must have drunk a half gallon of water by the time I was finished. All
the salt in my system had dehydrated me.
I went to go try to watch TV while I waited.
Alice was already there, sitting on her improvised bed. Her eyes were a liquid butterscotch.
She smiled and patted the pillow. "Thanks."
"You're early," I said, elated.
I sat down next to her and leaned my head on her shoulder. She put her cold arms around me and sighed.
"Bella. What are we going to do with you?"
"I don't know," I admitted. "I really have been trying my hardest."
"I believe you."
It was silent.
"Does–does he…" I took a deep breath. It was harder to say his name out loud, even though
I was able to think it now. "Does Edward know you're here?" I couldn't help asking. It was
my pain, after all. I'd deal with it when she was gone, I promised myself, and felt sick at the
There was only one way that could be true. "He's not with Carlisle and Esme?"
"He checks in every few months."
"Oh." He must still be out enjoying his distractions. I focused my curiosity on a safer topic.
"You said you flew here… Where did you come from?"
"I was in Denali. Visiting Tanya's family."
"Is Jasper here? Did he come with your'"
She shook her head. "He didn't approve of my interfering. We promised…" she trailed off,
and then her tone changed. "And you think Charlie won't mind my being here?" she asked,
sounding worried.
"Charlie thinks you're wonderful, Alice."
"Well, we're about to find out."
Sure enough, a few seconds later I heard the cruiser pull into the driveway. I jumped up and
hurried to open the door.
Charlie trudged slowly up the walk, his eyes on the ground and his shoulders slumped. I
walked forward to meet him; he didn't even see me until I hugged him around the waist. He
embraced me back fiercely.
"I'm so sorry about Harry, Dad."
"I'm really going to miss him," Charlie mumbled.
第2个回答  2014-03-19




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