

第1个回答  2007-07-01
I had left the Sunflower companies. You recently issued by the mail including a former, I have been referred to us for the week. Two years ago, you and the other an engineer to come to our company for equipment debugging, and I have you in a group photo. Who is my "brothers"? The sheet also took not?
第2个回答  2007-07-01
Have already left a sunflower company.What you deliver is recent of a mail include a past of, I have already transmitted a week are total for us.
Two year agos, you come our company to carry on an equipments to adjust to try with another engineer, I ever with you in of a matched 影 , who was mine"brothers"?That match 影 to return at not?
第3个回答  2007-07-01
I have left the sunflower company. The email you sent to me recently and before were all transfered to Mr.zhou. You came with another engineer to our company two years ago for equipment debugging, and i had taken a photo with one of you. Who was my buddy? And do you still have that photo?
第4个回答  2007-07-01
Ihave left the Sunflower Company.And I have deliver the recent e-mail and the prevenient ones you sent to Manager Zhou.Two years ago,you and another engineer come to our comany to adjust facilities. And I took photos with one of you.Who is my "brother"? Is the photo still in store?本回答被提问者采纳



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