

第1个回答  2011-04-26
One of the island in the Pacific near a fish, called a king fish. King fish is divided into 2 kinds, a kind of scaly, a no scales, squamate no scales, depends on yourself, is by oneself to choose. Because this kind of fish is born king, it can master illusionist attract some smaller animals, make them stick attached to his own body, again slowly absorb, make these little animals slowly became yourself scales. With these flake king fish, fish scales king than no bigger volume 4-5 times. Likely when old king fish, because of its function decline, cannot adsorption those little animals, and body scale will slowly from fish. At this time, the king will do a lot of effort to fish, don't let these appendages to leave my own body. But all to no avail, finally appendages, it will take off to get back like that, or the original smaller body.
Lost king fish scales will become in pain. Because it from the armor, couldn't adapt to the waters of the world before. It can't swim! It is also is special swim unusualness, a twist a rush of crooked, very natural. Fish once can't swim, that might be alive is no fun, so the king fish chose mind-games way, went to rock rammed, intentionally to bump into other fish. Finally got his black and blue, struggling days later died. All who saw this process, all feel the end very tragic king fish, the gap is too big.
Life is so, why don't like sometimes, but their king fish short time to fame and success, but for its life, it is not happy. In fact, those who is honorary, power, status, money is all humans, when these things attachments to your body, you will become another shape, several times, majestically tall, become everybody does not recognize you, and you will not know everybody. But the problem is: these things someday will leave you, then you have? Therefore, the most important thing in life is to correct understanding of oneself, don't get lost, lost myself, has made some achievements also to sober up, don't forget who you are - we are a person!
It is: a life decades, may have bitterness also have sweet, bitter sweet defying must try hard, not forggestting nature.
Money reputation, belong to power, not learn a thing apart word arrogant, king fish jump to do a worldly mortals
第2个回答  2011-05-07
One kind of fish lives near an island of the Pacific Ocean, and people call them kingfish. Kingfish are divided into two kinds, one kind of them have fish scale, but another have not, but to be which kind of kingfish only depends on themselves. Because they can attract some small animals, and attach them to their own body, finally make the small animals become their fish scale. The kingfish which have fish scale are more beautiful and bigger than the others. However, as this kingfish grow old, their function will decrease, so that they can’t attract the small animals any longer, and their fish scale will also fall down. At this time, this kingfish will try their best to stop their fish scale from falling down, but it doesn't matter.
The kingfish which lose their fish scale will become very painful. As they don’t have fish scale any longer, they could not adapt the immediate surroundings. They don’t know how to swim any longer! Even though they try to swim again, their motion will be awkward and unnatural. As the result, this kingfish will fell their life loses color, and begin to injure themselves. They will crash into rock, or swim into another shoal. They will be a mass of bruises and struggle for several days, and finally their die.
People who once see such process will fell the end of this kingfish are very miserable. In fact, fame、power、position just like the fish scale of the kingfish, they are the attachment of the body. Those things will leave you one day, so that we no need to keep chasing them.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-04-28
One of the island in the Pacific near a fish, called a king fish. King fish is divided into 2 kinds, a kind of scaly, a no scales, squamate no scales, depends on yourself, is by oneself to choose. Because this kind of fish is born king, it can master illusionist attract some smaller animals, make them stick attached to his own body, again slowly absorb, make these little animals slowly became yourself scales. With these flake king fish, fish scales king than no bigger volume 4-5 times. Likely when old king fish, because of its function decline, cannot adsorption those little animals, and body scale will slowly from fish. At this time, the king will do a lot of effort to fish, don't let these appendages to leave my own body. But all to no avail, finally appendages, it will take off to get back the
第4个回答  2011-05-05
第5个回答  2011-04-29

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