
首先折红色和白色2种颜色的纸鹤。然后将20根细线的末端固定在一根长细木棒上,最后分别把纸鹤按一定顺序穿在20根线上,组成一个图案, 字的部分由红色纸鹤组成,背景由白色的纸鹤组成。

第1个回答  2011-04-12
First, fold the red and the white paper cranes, and then tie the ends of 20 filaments
to one long and thin stick, Finally,thread the paper cranes one after the other to the 20 filaments in a natural order and form a pattern,The red paper cranes make up the letters with the white cranes as the background .本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-04-12
First off 2 colors red and white paper cranes. Then thread the end of the 20 fixed a long thin stick, the last paper cranes were to wear a certain order online at 20 to form a pattern, the word red paper cranes in part by the composition of the white background Paper cranes composition.
第3个回答  2011-04-12
First, fold red and white paper cranes, and then the ends of 20 filaments
fixed on the long and thin stick, finally,The paper cranes are threaded
respectively in 20 filaments by certain order,and forms a pattern,
word is composed by red paper cranes, background is composed by white cranes. .



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