
2. Rupture or continuity: A debate with an open end
The introduction of the term urban renewal has not really been
accompanied by a clarification of its contents. The urgency of the
problems in the large high-rise social housing estates has led to a particular,
and restrictive, interpretation. But a review of the laws SRU
and Borloo on the one hand, and the observation of the practice of
urban renewal on the other, indicate two different approaches to
urban renewal that exist alongside each other Table 1.
2.1. Urban renewal through the market mechanism
The first approach is to be found in operations of urban renewal realised
in line with a logic of reinserting the areas into the land and real
estate market. Usually, these operations are not officially labelled
urban renewal. They are realised by the local planning authorities
with local funding and using common procedures of urban (re)development.
Such operations mainly concern run-down brownfield and
mixed areas near city centres, where the possibilities of a rupture with
the old situation and of an inversion of the downward spiral seem to
be more realistic. Because these areas are situated in the proximity of
urban centres, and because they can rather easily be connected to
urban transport systems, they have a certain potential to attract private

第1个回答  2014-04-28
第2个回答  2014-04-28
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以明确内容的方式,对专业术语“城市革新” 的介绍还没有真正地完成。在大型高层社会住宅小区的紧急问题导致了一个特定而有限制的解释。但一方面重审法律SRU 和Borloo,另一方面对城市革新的实践进行观察,显示了城市革新的这两种不同的方法相互依存,如表一。




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