求英语周报 高二外研综合第15期答案 总第3243期

求英语周报 2014-2015高二外研综合第15期答案 总第3243期。是外研综合版不是外研版。


第1个回答  2014-12-29
Book 6 Module 5 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ABABC 6-10 BABAB
11-15 CBBAC 16-20 CBACA
21-25 CBDAB 26-30 DACAC
31-35 DBACC 36-40 GCFDA
41-45 ABDAC 46-50 BCDAB
51-55 DDCAC 56-60 BCBAD
61. cloned 62. to have
63. a 64. genetic
65. it 66. in
67. were 68. personality
69. was made 70. who / that
71. ... were caught by ... were → was
72. The day after ... after → before
73. ... had spend the night here.
spend → spent
74. ... said the goodbye to ... 去掉the
75. ... had left behind. left前加been
76. ... rung the bell ... rung → rang
77. ... no one answered them. them → it
78. ... the bedroom window opened ...
opened → open
79. ... wondering why it was ...
why → whether / if
80. ... Mrs. Crane, why ... Mrs. → Mr.
One possible version:
Dear John,
I am writing to answer your last letter. I want to clone my little dog if possible.
My dog, Beth, came to my home three years ago. On a cold winter morning, I found a little dog lying on the doormat. It seemed that it hadn't eaten anything for days. I took it inside and took good care of it. Gradually, it grows up and we become good friends. Wherever I go, it will follow me. I like it so much that I'm afraid one day it will die and leave me, so I want to clone Beth so that the cloned dog can accompany me instead of Beth.
Li Hua

21. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的With camel racing being big business in Dubai, such a breakthrough means a lot和第五段中的Financed by a wealthy mule-racing person, Idaho Gem ... for a successful career on the track可知,Injaz和Idaho Gem都与运动有关,故选C项。
22. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的相关内容可知,Carbon Copy和她妈妈背部毛发的颜色各不相同,而且她们的性格迥异,故选B项。
23. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的two wolves in Korea were successfully cloned to avoid extinction可知,Snuwolf这种动物正在濒临灭绝,故选D项。
24. A。推理判断题。本文主要介绍了几种克隆动物,所以我们很有可能在科学报告中读到该文,故选A项。
25. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的Trashed plastic bottles formed the inside of the school's walls和第四段中的6,000 bottles required for building the school可知,在Granados重建学校的时候,塑料瓶发挥了重要的作用,故选B项。
26. D。细节理解题。由第五段中的Filled with adobe, these bottles ...可知D项说法正确。
27. A。推理判断题。由最后一段中的Luckily, working models in Guatemala and the Philippines are being reproduced in many parts of the world可知,作者对于文中所讲述的这种回收利用废旧塑料瓶的举措是认可的,故选A项。
28. C。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了在Granados和San Pablo这两个地方,人们利用废旧塑料瓶帮助孩子们重建学校的情况,故C项作标题最恰当。
29. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的their boat hit something in the Hauraki Gulf和第五段中的相关内容可知,Mrs. Herrick在这次沉船事故中险些丧命,故选A项。
30. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的We made the decision that because I was the stronger swimmer, I should go for help可知,Mr. Gosnell是个体贴的人;由第四段中的He swam against the water for more than an hour ... to save a drowning friend以及最终找到救援的事实可知,Mr. Gosnell是一个可信赖的人,故选C项。
31. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的he saw a girl lying on the bottom of a swimming pool,who was believed to have suffered a heart attack和who made a full recovery可知,Todd Sweeney跳入水池中将小女孩救出后,设法使其恢复了意识,故选D项。
32. B。推理判断题。文中所讲述的两个故事向我们说明了这样一个道理:水无情,人有情。
33. A。段落大意题。本段主要讲述了整形外科医生的收入情况,故选A项。
34. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的they are still sometimes respected less可知C项说法正确。
35. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的Plastic surgeons work with men and women who want to make changes in their faces and bodies for vanity purposes可知,整形外科医生有时被人看不起是因为他们在帮助那些爱慕虚荣的人,故选C项。
36. G。由该段标题Exercise while watching TV和该空前后的相关内容可知,作者建议在看电视的时候不要一直坐在那儿,而要起来活动活动,故选G项。
37. C。由该段标题Go for a walk 可知,C项说法符合此处语境。
38. F。由该空前后的相关内容可知,作者在此建议最好是自己烹饪健康的食物,故选F项。
39. D。由该空前面的do it yourself和后面的You can add a little jogging可知,自己去遛狗的话可以顺便锻炼身体,比如进行慢跑之类的活动,故选D项。
40. A。本段主要讲述了做家务既可以得到锻炼、保持良好的体型又可以让家里光亮如新,故用A项作为小标题最恰当。
41. A。由该空前面的someone who seemingly died of a broken heart以及下文的相关内容可知,这里是说有人似乎因伤心过度而死亡,这“可能(possible)”吗?
42. B。由该空前面的Could it be that ... directly connected to love可知,这里是说人体免疫系统的正常运行与爱直接相关或是受其“影响(affected)”。
43. D。“我”小时候“曾听说(heard of)”祖父母的故事。
44. A。由最后一段中的my grandparents ... and even resulted in the other's death可知,我的祖父母相继死去,故填death。
45. C。我们怎样对待爱主要“取决于(depends on)”我们的心理习惯。
46. B。由下文所讲述的爱与免疫系统之间的关系可知,快乐和“悲伤(sorrows)”的结果都可以从我们身体的某种机能中体现出来。
47. C。由该空后面的such as the pineal gland, pituitary gland and thymus gland etc.可知,我们的内分泌系统是由若干种腺“组成(made up of)”的。
48. D。49. A。胸腺的“状况(condition)”直接反映出你整体的健康状况以及“抵抗(fight)”感染的能力。
50. B。51. D。心脏“被认为(considered)”是一种与爱和其它“情感(feelings)”相关联的器官。
52. D。由该空后面的he will most likely suffer from things like sadness or worry可知,当一个人“心碎的(heart-broken)”时候,他很有可能因伤心或是忧虑而蒙受损失。
53. C。54. A。如果长期处于伤心或是忧虑的“状态(state)”,那么就会对身体造成“严重的(serious)”伤害。
55. C。56. B。爱与免疫系统之间的这种“关系(connection)”说明了为什么当我们情感受挫的时候“身体上(physically)”会出现不适。
57. C。由下文的my grandparents可知,作者在讲述自己“家(family)”里的故事。
58. B。作者的祖父母非常“相爱(loved each other)”。
59. A。由下文的It destroyed the other's immune system, and even resulted in the other's death可知,当一方离世之后,另一方也会遭受巨大痛苦甚至是死亡,故填suffered。
60. D。联系上下文内容可知,这里是因果关系,故填Therefore。
61. cloned。考查非谓语动词。clone与my cat之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填cloned。
62. to have。考查非谓语动词。want后接不定式作宾语。
63. a。考查冠词。organism在此处作可数名词且表泛指,故填不定冠词a。
64. genetic。考查形容词。由设空处后面的名词order可知,此处应填形容词genetic。
65. it。考查it的用法。设空处作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,故填it。
66. in。考查介词。in在此处意为“在……方面”。
67. were。考查虚拟语气。表示与现在事实相反,从句中的be动词一般用were。
68. personality。考查名词。设空处前面有charming,后面有of短语,故此处填名词personality。
69. was made。考查时态和语态。cat与make之间是被动关系,且由The world's first cloned可知,make表示的动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时的被动语态。
70. who / that。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰Duane Kraemer,且在从句中作主语,故填who / that。

1-5 DCAAB 6-10 DAACB
1. D。写作手法题。第二段主要是以John Jay High School为例来展开叙述的,故选D项。
2. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的sighed Kor可知,Kor对校园舞会走向衰落感到很失望,故选C项。
3. A。细节理解题。由第四段中的Cellphones as well as computers allow the kids to find easier and faster ways to interact with one another可知,学生们更喜欢通过手机和电脑来进行交流,故选A项。
4. A。词义猜测题。由第二段中的According to assistant principal Lisa Kor, in 2014, they only have the prom和第五段中的The only dance they hold each year is the prom可知,另外五所学校和John Jay高中一样,都是每年只举办班级舞会,故选A项。
5. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的while social activities in communities did well in the 1960s, '70s, and '80s, their bridge clubs and bowling leagues began to become fewer in the '90s可知,二十世纪九十年代的人们见证了社交活动的衰落,故选B项。
6. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的With ideas of imitating Finland's surprising achievements back home ... over the past few years可知,美国的教育工作者去芬兰是为了学习该国在教育方面的成功经验,故选D项。
7. A。推理判断题。由第二段中的A major surprise for them is the degree of respect and trust teachers are given in Finland ... the status that doctors enjoy in the United States可知,在芬兰教师的地位很高,可以和美国的医生所享有的地位相媲美,故选A项。
8. A。推理判断题。由第三段中的Nearly every student can communicate in English as well as in their native tongue. They are way ahead of the game on the language side可知,Flynn认为芬兰学生的语言技能很出色。再由Bryan Luizzi ... agreed可知,Luizzi同意Flynn的观点,故选A项。
9. C。推理判断题。由最后一段内容可知,芬兰的教育环境竞争性很小,而美国的教育环境竞争性很强。再结合Krueger所说的the care Finland has taken to create a “good learning environment” shouldn't be lost on policy makers in the United States可知C项说法正确。
10. B。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了美国教育工作者在芬兰访问期间的一些发现让他们感到非常惊讶,故B项为最佳答案。本回答被提问者和网友采纳



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