
让学生带着问题阅读指定的课文,并要求阅读后作出解答和提出疑难。《全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲》(初审稿)明确指出:“全日制高级中学英语教学的目的,是在初中教学的基础上,巩固、扩大学生的基础知识,培养在口头上和书面上初步运用英语进行交际的能力,侧重培养阅读能力,并使学生获得一定的自学能力,为继续学习和运用英语切实打好基础……”。 因此,培养学生的英语自学能力是我们高中英语教师义不容辞的责任。其次,提倡自学能力的培养也是重视学生“主体”地位的集中体现。在英语教学过程中是否重视学生的主体地位,具体表现在:一、是否考虑到学生对英语教学的选择性,能否最大限度地满足学生自学的需求。二、学生是否乐于自学,是否善于自学,是评价英语教学效果的一个重要尺度。三、注重自学能力的培养,应看作是人类教育思想发展史中的优良传统,是提高英语教学质量的根本途径。每个学生,尤其是高中学生,都是一个积极主动、独立自尊的能动的人,因此,必须尽快教会他们学会自学。

第1个回答  2012-08-31
Reading prep reading, reading lesson, review reading and extracurricular reading the form, either in the form of reading, teachers must give correct guidance on the method, in order to receive a good self-study effects. Read prep students read the relevant texts in advance when the teachers are not teaching. Production to improve the validity of the preview reading, I outline are first drafted preview
Let the students read the assigned texts, with questions and request was made after reading the answers and raised difficult. "Full-time regular senior high school English syllabus (first draft) clearly states:" full-time High School English teaching purposes, on the basis of the junior high school teaching, consolidate and expand students' basic knowledge, training in verbal and written on the initial use of English communicative ability, focusing on reading proficiency, and students get a certain amount of self-learning ability to continue to learn and use English effectively to lay the foundation ...... ". Therefore, students of English self-learning ability is the bounden duty of our high school English teachers. Second, to promote the culture of self-learning ability is also emphasis on a concentrated expression of the students "subject" status. Whether the dominant position of great importance to students in the English teaching process: whether taking into account the selectivity of the students of English teaching to meet the needs of students' self-learning ability to maximize. Second, students willing to self-study, whether it be good at self-study, is an important dimension of the evaluation of the effect of English teaching. Third, the focus on self-learning ability, should be seen as a fine tradition in the history of the development of human education thinking, is the fundamental way to improve the quality of English teaching. Each of the students, especially high school students, is a pro-active, independent and self-esteem active people, therefore, must be as soon as the church they learn to self-study.
第2个回答  2006-04-23
第3个回答  2006-05-08
The reading contain dry run reading, lesson in reading, review the reading to read etc. with lesson outside form, no matter which form it is of reading, the teachers must give on the method right leading, then can receive good self-educated result.The dry run reading is a student and did not give lessons at the teacher the current news reads the related text first.Produced the exaltation dry run the usefulness of the reading, I am all to have drafted the dry run to lift the key link first,
Let the student take the text that the problem reading specify, and request to read to make a solution and put forward the difficulty behind.《 The fulltime system English syllabus of the common and deluxe high school 》 ( the first trial draft) point out definitely:" The fulltime system purpose of the English teaching of the deluxe high school, is a foundation in the junior high school teaching, make stronger, expand the university student's foundation knowledge, develop on the orally and writing form the ability that the first step usage English carries on the social intercourse, lay particular emphasis on the development reading ability, and certainly make student acquire self-educated ability, for continue to study and make use of English to slice to beat the good foundation …… actually". Therefore, the English self-educated ability that trains the student is the responsibility of our senior high school English teacher's duty-bound to accept.The next in order, development that promotes the self-educated ability also is value the student" corpus" position of concentrated body now.In English teaching process whether value the student's corpus position, concrete performance at:A, whether in consideration of the student's selectivity to English teaching, can satisfy the student's self-educated need with maximum limit.Two, whether student take pleasure in or not is self-educated, whether be good at self-educated, is an important dimensions that evaluates English teaching result.Three, pay attention to the development of self-educated ability, should see make is a good tradition within the education thought development history of mankind, is basic path that raises English teaching quantity.Each student, particularly tall high school student, is all an actively active and independent person that the self-respect can move, therefore, must as soon as possible church they master self-educated.
第4个回答  2006-05-06

本单元是对 Unit 1—Unit 6的总复习

通过各种形式练习 Unit 1—Unit 6学过的单词;通过听说活动复习Unit 1—Unit 6学习的语言结构;通过对话活动着重复习Unit 1—Unit 6学过的语言结构;结合上下文,运用Unit 1—Unit 6学过的语言结构和单词进行写作。


1.there be 句型

表示某地或某时有某人或某物。 there be句型的be动词与临近它的第一个名词的单复数形式相一致。临近be的第一个名词是一个单数名词或不可数名词时,在书写时要用is形式;如果临近be动词的名词是一个复数名词时,在书写时要用are形式。在构成否定句时,我们将not直接接在be动词之后表示否定;在构成疑问句时,将be动词提前,置于主语前方即可。在一般疑问句的语境下,肯定或否定回答都要使用“there be”句型。例如:

There are two pens and a pencil in my pencil-box.


There is some meat, milk and two bottles of juice on the table.


There is a lady and three boys in the garden.


Is there a bank near here?


Yes, there is. /No, there isn't.


How many people are there in this house?


2.Where is /are …?

“……在哪里?”这是询问物品位置或方位的一种简单的提问方式,句中动词 be的形式是根据句中主语的单复数(或不可数名词)而确定的。例如:

Where is Lucy's coat? (可数名词单数) Lucy的大衣在哪?

Where are the balls ?(可数名词复数)球在哪里?

Where is the coke ?(不可数名词) 可乐在哪里?

3.across from


There is a video arcade across from the supermarket.




May is between April and June. 五月在四月和六月之间。

He is sitting between Row 3 and Row 5. 他坐在3排和5排之间。

5.next to

介词短语,“在……旁边”,相当于介词“ beside”。例如:

He found an empty seat next to himself. 他发现他自己身旁有一个空位。



We tie the young tree to the stick to keep it straight. (形容词)


Go straight and turn left. 一直向前走,然后左转。(副词)

7.be from.../come from...

这两个词组的意思都是“来自于……”,但是它们在句中的使用方式是不同的。在一般疑问句中, be from中的系动词be可以直接提前构成一般疑问句,在否定句中可在系动词be后直接添加not表示否定。以come from作谓语构成的一般疑问句,由于come是行为动词,它的疑问形式是句首出现助动词do/does, come在句中的位置、形式与陈述句时是一样的,不发生任何变化。在否定句中,我们直接将否定词加在助动词do/does的使用是要受到主语人称和数的限制的。在书写特殊疑问句时,在系动词be、助动词do/does前会出现特殊疑问词,句式结构与一般疑问句完全一致。

— Are you from America? 你来自美国吗?

— Yes, I am. 是的。/No, I am not. 不,不是。

I am not from American. 我不是从美国来的。

Where are you from America? 你来自于哪里?

—Do you come from America?

—Yes, I do./No, I don't.

I don't come from America.

Where do you come from?

8.would like

动词短语,意思是“想要……”。它比较固定的搭配是“ would like sth., would like to do sth., would like sb. to do sth.”。它在“购物”、“请求帮助”、“提出建议”等生活情景中使用非常广泛。would like在实际使用的时候,可以简写为“'d like ”的形式。例如:

What size would you like? 你想要什么尺寸呢?

I'd like to relax after our examination. 我们考试之后我想放松一下。

Would you like me to do the work instead of you? 你想要我代替你做这项工作吗?


名词,“尺寸,尺码”。在我们的课文中有相应的一些表达形式,“ small”意思是“小号的”,有时可以简单地写作“S”;“medium”意思是“中号的”,我们可以简写为“M”;“large”意思是“大号的”,我们经常简写为“L”。其实在生活中,我们在购买服装的时候,也会经常见到这些标记,“XL”的意思是“超大号的”。另外,对于尺寸大小提问的时候,我们常使用的疑问词为“what size”。例如:

— What size are your sports shoes? 你的运动鞋是多大号的?

— Size 42. 42码。

He tries on the shoes in my size. 他试穿了一下我那个号的鞋子。

10.ask about...


Ask about the size and the toppings for the pizza.



What do you do? I'm a doctor.

What does he/she do? He /She is a farmer.

What's your job? I'm a teacher.

What's his / her job? He/She is a worker.

12.want sth.; want to do sth. ; want sb. to do sth.


I want a piece of paper to write down your name.


— What does she want to do? —She wants to be a bank clerk.


— What does your father want you to do? —He wants me to be a doctor.



一般过去时表示过去某个时间或某段时间内发生的动作或状态。当谓语动词是 be(am, is, are)时,am/is变形为was, are变形为were。在否定句的情况下,直接将not添加在was/were之后;疑问句时,将was/were置于主语之前即可。例如:

I was ill yesterday afternoon.

I was not ill yesterday afternoon.

Were you ill yesterday afternoon? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.

When were you ill?



不规则动词需要参考工具书后的不规则动词表,这几单元涉及的不规则动词有: do—did; go—went; read—read; see—saw; get—got; sit—sat; have/has—had。

行为动词的一般过去时态在句式上与 was/were的处理方法不同。在否定句中,谓语动词需要还原回动词原形的形式,即didn't+动词原形;在书写疑问句时,将助动词did置于主语之前,动词的位置不变,但是要还原为动词原形。例如:

Miss Wang went to see a new film last night.

Miss Wang didn't go to see a new film last night.

Did Miss Wang go to see a new film last night? Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.

When did Miss Wang go to see a new film?


(1)Excuse me, where are the jazz CDs, please?


(2)Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the hospital?


(3)How can I get to the zoo? I don't know the way.


(4)Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest market is?


(5)Excuse me, how can I get to the No. 1 Middle School, please?


(6)Excuse me, is there a post office near here?


(7)How far is it from the school to the park?



(1)Go straight and turn left.


(2)Go upstairs and turn right.


(3)It's behind the bank.


(4)It's next to the school.


(5)It's between the post office and the bank.


(6)Go down this road.


(7)It's about 10 minutes' walk.


(8)It's about 40 metres from here.


(9)It's too far from here. You'd better take a taxi.


(10)It's just around the corner.


(11)Go straight ahead and then turn right/ left at the first /second crossing.


(12)You can take the bus and get off at the third stop.




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