欢快有节奏感男声的英文歌,副歌歌词里有isolation还有连续的五个by by by by by

欢快有节奏感男声的英文歌,副歌歌词里有isolation还有连续的五个by by by by by by(bye bye bye bye bye)求歌名!!!

第1个回答  推荐于2018-01-25
Heartbreak - Ry Cuming
Caught in the moment
Hearing you laughter
Wanting your honest touch
But you're in the corner
And I'm on the sideline
Waiting for time to rest
Do we really think
These words could save this love
We're holding on to what we know
And I feel your kiss on my fingertips
Heartbreak is coming
Can't you see the signs
I should be running
Heartbreak is honest
We're barely holding on
I should be running

Could be a silence
A silence between us
Breaking us slowly apart
Come back and hold me
Tell me you need me
Whisper it softly to my ear
Do we really think
These words could save this love
I'm holding on to what I know
And I feel your kiss
And I try to miss you
Heartbreak is coming
Can't you see the signs
I should be running
Heartbreak is honest
We're barely holding on
I should be running
Oh your way across the ocean oh
I hear your call you calling me
Heartbreak is coming
Can't you see the signs
I should be running
Heartbreak is honest
We're barely holding on
I should be running running running本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2018-01-25
第3个回答  2016-03-27
男孩别哭——海龟先生 好听到爆
第4个回答  2015-12-02
是不是超级男孩的 bye bye bye?



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