毕业论文资料翻译 100分悬赏 求人工英语在线翻译

   《一桶白葡萄酒》全文短小精悍,结构紧凑,寓意深刻, 全篇大约只有两千五百字, 能在很短的时间内一口气读完。坡在小说中运用的特别的写作技巧,比如以第一人称为阐述者、适当却又简介的人物独白和对话以及恰如其分的象征、反讽的运用使得在短时间内,短篇幅内就能让读者感受到心灵式的恐怖。
   坡的大部分小说, 都引用第一人称, 这似乎更有利于他抒发宣泄自己内心和意识里承受着的压力和冲动。《一桶白葡萄酒》用的也是第一人称,文中多出内心独白,这种内心独白式, 轻而易举得缩短了与读者的心理距离, 从而能更清楚地了解他杀人的心理, 掌握犯罪动机, 跟随叙述者“我”融人到的故事的每一个细节, 直至最终亲临杀人现场, 体验恐怖的极限。第一人称的叙述使读者身临其境, 一颗心牢牢地被叙述者吸引并且每一个字,每一个词都与之产生共鸣。采用第一人称作为叙事者,不仅使情节愈加阴森恐怖,而且文章的恐怖气氛越来越重,节奏步步加快,文章的高潮恰恰是读者恐怖的顶点,使读者的心也随之深深颤动,以达到人心灵深处的恐怖,显现人性的阴暗。作品中有很多主人公“我”也就是蒙特利瑟的内心独白,这些独白向读者清晰地展示了他阴险狡诈、表里不一的性格,不用过多的描写和修饰读者就能一下子明白他是一个什么样的人。对于报仇,蒙特利瑟是谋划已久的。除了独白,文中还有大量人物对话充分地为整部作品效果服务,用来暗示作品中人物的性格,同时为文中的发张做铺垫。
在人物性格刻画方面,复仇者蒙特里梭和被害者福吐纳托二人在性格上都有明显的缺陷。前者报复心极强但是表面上唯唯诺诺,对谁都笑脸相迎,给人一种友好和善的感觉。后者则骄横跋扈, 虚荣心极强而且他的虚荣心从他的语言和行为都能得到体现。坡在塑造这两个人物的性格时,没有用过多的描述性语言,而是巧妙地利用了第一人称作为故事叙述人, 即蒙特里梭。这样一来, 蒙特里梭的心理就可以淋漓尽致地表现出来, 而且很自然得能让读者信服。其中的大量对白设计得可谓独具匠心。全文如果按单词计算总共约为2334 词,对话部分约为1100 词。若以段落计算全文共89 段, 而对话部分就占了73 段。对话部分在整篇小说中所占篇幅是显而易见的。而且对话语句简短明了, 没有一句话是多余的。这一句句简短明了的对话却凝结了坡高超的艺术创作技巧和简洁凝练的文风。

象征是文艺创作中通过特定的、容易引起联想的具体形象, 表现与之相似或相近特点的概念、思想和感情的手法。这篇小说中大量运用了象征, 以扩大信息的包容量并烘托了小说的恐怖氛围。同时,恰如其分的反讽手法也对营造其恐怖氛围产生了推进的作用。 关于小说中的象征主义手法,在狂欢节上, 福吐纳托身穿五颜六色的衣服, 头戴铃铛帽, 把自己装扮成一个小丑。而他自己正是复仇谋杀游戏中被戏弄的小丑。

第1个回答  2014-01-24
《一桶白葡萄酒》全文短小精悍,结构紧凑,寓意深刻, 全篇大约只有两千五百字, 能在很短的时间内一口气读完。坡在小说中运用的特别的写作技巧,比如以第一人称为阐述者、适当却又简介的人物独白和对话以及恰如其分的象征、反讽的运用使得在短时间内,短篇幅内就能让读者感受到心灵式的恐怖。
坡的大部分小说, 都引用第一人称, 这似乎更有利于他抒发宣泄自己内心和意识里承受着的压力和冲动。《一桶白葡萄酒》用的也是第一人称,文中多出内心独白,这种内心独白式, 轻而易举得缩短了与读者的心理距离, 从而能更清楚地了解他杀人的心理, 掌握犯罪动机, 跟随叙述者“我”融人到的故事的每一个细节, 直至最终亲临杀人现场, 体验恐怖的极限。第一人称的叙述使读者身临其境, 一颗心牢牢地被叙述者吸引并且每一个字,每一个词都与之产生共鸣。采用第一人称作为叙事者,不仅使情节愈加阴森恐怖,而且文章的恐怖气氛越来越重,节奏步步加快,文章的高潮恰恰是读者恐怖的顶点,使读者的心也随之深深颤动,以达到人心灵深处的恐怖,显现人性的阴暗。作品中有很多主人公“我”也就是蒙特利瑟的内心独白,这些独白向读者清晰地展示了他阴险狡诈、表里不一的性格,不用过多的描写和修饰读者就能一下子明白他是一个什么样的人。对于报仇,蒙特利瑟是谋划已久的。除了独白,文中还有大量人物对话充分地为整部作品效果服务,用来暗示作品中人物的性格,同时为文中的发张做铺垫。
在人物性格刻画方面,复仇者蒙特里梭和被害者福吐纳托二人在性格上都有明显的缺陷。前者报复心极强但是表面上唯唯诺诺,对谁都笑脸相迎,给人一种友好和善的感觉。后者则骄横跋扈, 虚荣心极强而且他的虚荣心从他的语言和行为都能得到体现。坡在塑造这两个人物的性格时,没有用过多的描述性语言,而是巧妙地利用了第一人称作为故事叙述人, 即蒙特里梭。这样一来, 蒙特里梭的心理就可以淋漓尽致地表现出来, 而且很自然得能让读者信服。其中的大量对白设计得可谓独具匠心。全文如果按单词计算总共约为2334 词,对话部分约为1100 词。若以段落计算全文共89 段, 而对话部分就占了73 段。对话部分在整篇小说中所占篇幅是显而易见的。而且对话语句简短明了, 没有一句话是多余的。这一句句简短明了的对话却凝结了坡高超的艺术创作技巧和简洁凝练的文风。

象征是文艺创作中通过特定的、容易引起联想的具体形象, 表现与之相似或相近特点的概念、思想和感情的手法。这篇小说中大量运用了象征, 以扩大信息的包容量并烘托了小说的恐怖氛围。同时,恰如其分的反讽手法也对营造其恐怖氛围产生了推进的作用。 关于小说中的象征主义手法,在狂欢节上, 福吐纳托身穿五颜六色的衣服, 头戴铃铛帽, 把自己装扮成一个小丑。而他自己正是复仇谋杀游戏中被戏弄的小丑。
Shape the devil type characters are the typical characteristics of gothic novel. In the novel the author concentrates on the novel the hero's morbid psychology. The monterey spindle is a narrow-minded person, he from beginning to end will ever insult in psychology, all the time thinking about revenge. However, when he was in the implementation of the plan to kill or trying to cover up his false humility. And the deep breathing, is a vice that never become arrogant personality, is a kind of performance in the light of character flaws. Two people personality distorted intersection reflected in the plot of a wine tasting in a conversation: (...) Although this dialogue is very simple words, but it accurately reflects the two side: the hero character missing f handled Joe arrogance; The monterey spindle is false wily, bandar, cold, seemed to embody the more it is this false his narrow breadth of mind. He loathed the breathing for his own man and insult, remembering his despise their own courage, such a kind of revenge mental and sophisticated character, prompt it to implement a ruthless revenge plan.
And writing skills
"A bucket of white wine" full text short, compact structure, profound meaning, only about two thousand five hundred words, as a whole can be read within a short period of time. Slope of special writing technique used in the novel, such as in the first person called expositor, and introduction of appropriate character symbol of monologue and dialogue and appropriate, the use of irony in a short period of time, can let the reader feel the heart inside the short length of terror.
Most POE's stories, refer to the first person, it seems to be more conducive to express his anger in his heart and consciousness under pressure and impulse. "A bucket of white wine" is also the first person, the more inner monologue, this inner monologue type, easy to shorten the psychological distance with readers, and thus can more clearly understand his murderer psychology, grasp the crime motive, to follow the narrator "I" into every detail of the story, until the final visit murder scene, to experience the limits of terror. First-person narrative make readers, as it were, a heart firmly drawn to the narrator and every word, every word resonate with them. Using the first person as the narrator, not only make the plot more ghastly, articles and terrorist atmosphere heavier, rhythm to speed up the step by step, the climax of the article is precisely what the reader terror of vertices, thrilled the reader's heart so deeply, in order to achieve the horrors of the psyche, manifest the human nature of the dark. Works has a lot of the hero "me" is the monterey's inner monologue, these monologues clearly demonstrates to the readers his sinister character, duplicity, need not too much description and grooming, readers can immediately understand that he is a what kind of person. For revenge, monterey is planning already a long time. In addition to the monologue, there are a lot of dialogue in this paper fully service for the whole work effect, is used to suggest that characters in the works, at the same time send a groundwork for the paper.
In terms of character portrayal, the avengers blessed terry spindle and victim handled holds two has obvious flaws in character. Vengeful the former but on the surface to be passive and to anyone with smile, give a person a kind of friendly feeling. The latter his arrogance and strong vanity and his vanity can be reflected from his language and behavior. Slope in shaping the two characters, not too much descriptive language, but the clever use of first person as narrative person, namely the monterey spindle. As a result, the monterey shuttle psychology can show incisively and vividly, and it is natural enough to convince the reader. Among them a lot of dialogue is unique in design. If calculated on word in full, a total of approximately 2334 words dialogue part is about 1100 words. If the paragraph is calculate the full text altogether 89 segments, and the dialogue part accounted for $73. Talks were part of the whole novel length is obvious. And dialogue short sentences, not a word is superfluous. This shining brief dialogue is setting the slope of superb artistic creation skills and concise concise style.

Symbol is in the literary and artistic creation through specific, easy to cause that the specific image of lenovo, performance characteristics similar or similar concepts, thoughts and feelings. Use the symbol in large Numbers in this novel, to expand the package of information capacity and foil terrorist atmosphere of the novel. At the same time, fitting irony gimmick to promote the role of their terror atmosphere. About the symbolism in the novel, in the carnival, the deep breathing, dressed in colorful clothes, wearing a hat, bell himself dressed as a clown. And he himself is revenge murder be ridiculed clown in the game.
第2个回答  2014-01-21
Shaping the image of the devil -like figure is typical of the Gothic novel. Focus of the novel describes the protagonist of morbid psychology . Monterey shuttle is a narrow-minded person, he would have been insulted throughout recorded in psychology, all the time thinking about revenge. Still, he tried to cover up his hypocritical humility murder in the implementation plan . The blessing is a spit Donato never become arrogant character, is a manifestation of the character flaws in the open . Two character twist in the plot tasting intersection conversation reflected : ( . . . . . . . ) Although the wording of this dialogue is very simple, but it accurately reflects the character of the missing side of the two heroes : Fu spit Donato arrogance ; while Monterey shuttle is wily , calculating , ruthless hypocrisy , it seems that it is this hypocrisy more reflects his narrow -minded . He spit Donato unpopular blessing for all sorts of hurt and insult their own , unpopular with his own courage contempt , coupled with such a vengeance wily character , prompting the implementation of a ruthless revenge plan.
, Writing skills
" Barrel of white wine ," the text of dapper , compact, pregnant with meaning , only about two thousand five hundred words the whole chapter can devoured in a very short time. Slope in the novel use of a special writing skills , such as those described in the first person called , but the appropriate profile and symbolic character monologue dialogue and just the right , making the use of irony in a short time , you can make the reader feel short of space to soul -style terror.
Most of Poe's fiction , are cited in the first person , it seems more conducive to his heart and express express their consciousness bear the pressure and impulse. " Barrel of white wine " is also used in the first person , the text more inner monologue , this inner monologue , easy and readers may shorten the psychological distance , which can kill a clearer understanding of his psychology , master motive for the crime , followed by the narrator of "I" melt people into every detail of the story until the final visit the murder scene , to experience the ultimate terror . First-person narration makes the reader feel, heart firmly attracted to every word and narrator , every word resonates with them . As the use of first-person narrator , not only makes the plot even more eerie and increasingly heavy atmosphere of terror article , step by step to speed up the tempo , the climax of the article is precisely the reader terror vertex , so the reader's heart also will be deeply fibrillation, to reach the depths of the human soul horror show of humanity dark . There are many works of the hero of "I" is Montreal 's inner monologue Lisse , these monologues clearly demonstrated his readers insidious , duplicitous character, without too much modification of readers will be able to describe and understand his sudden What kind of a person. For revenge , Monte Lisse is planning long . In addition to the monologue , there are a large text character dialogue full effect for the whole work services used to imply the character in the works , as well as pave the way for the text of the hair Zhang .
In the character portrayed , the Avengers Monterey shuttle and victims blessing spit Donato has two obvious flaws in character . The former is extremely vindictive but stuck on the surface , to anyone smile, giving a feeling of friendship and good . The latter is arrogant and overbearing , and his vanity vanity strong from his language and behavior can be manifested. Slope in shaping the character of these two characters without using too much descriptive language , but the clever use of the first-person narrative as a story of people , that Monterey shuttle . As a result, Monterey shuttle psychology can vividly demonstrated , and it was natural to make the reader convinced. Which can be described as a large white design originality . If the calculation of the full text of about 2334 words in total by the word , part of the dialogue is about 1100 words. In terms of calculating the full text of paragraph 89 , which partially accounted for 73 dialogue segments . Throughout the dialogue portion of the length of the novel 's share is evident . And the dialogue short and clear statement , not a word is redundant. This sentence is short and straightforward dialogue , but condenses the slope of superb artistic skills and simple concise style .

Symbol of literary and artistic creation is caused by a specific association , easy specific image , or similar performance characteristics with similar concepts , ideas and feelings tactics. Extensive use of this novel symbol to expand the capacity of the information packet and heighten the atmosphere of horror fiction . Meanwhile, just the right irony also create an atmosphere of terror created to promote its role . About the novel symbolism in the carnival , Fu spit Donato wearing colorful clothes , wearing bell hat, dressed himself up as a clown. He himself is the revenge murder of the game being teased clown.
第3个回答  2014-01-21
Shaping the devil type characters are typical of Gothic novels. In the novel the author emphasizes on the description of the morbid psychology of the protagonist's. The shuttle is a narrow-minded person from first to last, he will ever insult in mind, always thinking about revenge. Even so, he in the implementation plan to kill or trying to cover up his hypocritical humility. And Fu breathing support is a will never become arrogant personality, is a kind of expression in the light of the defects of character. Two personality distortions in conversation tasting plot intersection reflected: (.......) Although this dialogue with the word is very simple, but accurately reflects a two bit character flaw: Fu breathing support arrogance; and Mengtelisuoze is make every move only after mature deliberation, artful, false cold, it is also seems to be the more hypocritical show he is narrow. He hated Fu Tu Nuttall on their various hurt and insult, but he despised his courage, a kind of revenge this and make every move only after mature deliberation character, make it a cruel revenge.
, writing skills
Making "a bucket of white Wine" full text is small, compact structure, profound meaning, it is only about two thousand five hundred words, can in a very short period of time to read. The slope in the novels of the special writing skills, such as taking the first person as appropriate elaboration, but brief soliloquy and dialogue and to a proper extent symbol, irony used in a short period of time, the short range can let the reader feel the soul of terror.
Most of the novel making slope, refer to the first person, it seems more conducive to he express vent your heart and mind under pressure and impulse. "A bucket of white Wine" is also used in the first person, from the inner monologue, the inner monologue, be an easy job to be shortened and the reader's psychological distance, which can more clearly understand his murderous psychology, grasp the motive for the crime, every detail to follow the narrator "I" into the story. Finally, at the murder scene, experience the terror of the limit. The first person narration so that the reader be personally on the scene, a heart firmly by the narrator to attract and every word, every word resonate with. Using the first person as narrator, not only make the plot more ghastly, but the atmosphere is more and more heavy, rhythm and step up, the climax is the reader terrorist vertices, so that readers heart also was deeply moved, in order to reach the hearts of terror, appear dark side of human nature. There are many works in the hero of "I" is also the Monterey and inner monologue, the monologue to the readers clearly demonstrated his cunning, quite different character, do not have too much description and modification of readers can understand that all of a sudden he is a what kind of person. For revenge, Monterey Joseph is the long-awaited. In addition to monologue, there are lots of dialogue for the whole works full service, used to imply that works in the character's personality, while laying the groundwork for the development.
Portrait of the character, the Avengers Monterey shuttle and the Fu spit Nuttall two have obvious defects in character. The vengeful but on the surface to be a yes-man, everyone smile, give a person a kind of friendly feeling. The latter is domineering, vanity strong and his vanity from his language and behavior can be reflected. Slope in shaping the two character, did not use the descriptive language of many, but the clever use of the first person narrative person as, namely the shuttle. In this way, the shuttle psychology can most incisive demonstrated, and it is natural enough to convince the reader. A lot of dialogue which design is have great originality. The full text if the word count a total of approximately 2334 words, the conversation is about 1100 words. If the paragraph computing full text of a total of 89 segments, and the conversation accounted for 73. Part of the dialogue in this novel space is obviously. But dialogue sentences short and clear, not a word is redundant. This a short dialogue is the condensation of slope superb artistic creation skills and concise style.
The symbol is by specific, easy to cause the specific image association of literary creation, representation of concepts, thoughts and feelings with the similar characteristics of the technique. This novel uses a large number of symbols, to expand the information capacity and improves the novel terrorist atmosphere. At the same time, to a proper extent of irony has promoting effect on creating the atmosphere of fear. On the symbolism in the novel, the carnival, be riotous with colour Fortu AAnatole wearing clothes, wearing a bell cap, dressed up as a clown. And he himself is revenge murder game be ridiculed.
第4个回答  2014-01-21
Shape the devil type characters are the typical characteristics of gothic novel. In the novel the author concentrates on the novel the hero's morbid psychology. The monterey spindle is a narrow-minded person, he from beginning to end will ever insult in psychology, all the time thinking about revenge. However, when he was in the implementation of the plan to kill or trying to cover up his false humility. And the deep breathing, is a vice that never become arrogant personality, is a kind of performance in the light of character flaws. Two people personality distorted intersection reflected in the plot of a wine tasting in a conversation: (...) Although this dialogue is very simple words, but it accurately reflects the two side: the hero character missing f handled Joe arrogance; The monterey spindle is false wily, bandar, cold, seemed to embody the more it is this false his narrow breadth of mind. He loathed the breathing for his own man and insult, remembering his despise their own courage, such a kind of revenge mental and sophisticated character, prompt it to implement a ruthless revenge plan. , full text writing skills "a bucket of white wine" short, compact structure, profound meaning, only about two thousand five hundred words, as a whole can be read within a short period of time. Slope of special writing technique used in the novel, such as in the first person called expositor, and introduction of appropriate character symbol of monologue and dialogue and appropriate, the use of irony in a short period of time, can let the reader feel the heart inside the short length of terror. Most POE's stories, refer to the first person, it seems to be more conducive to express his anger in his heart and consciousness under pressure and impulse. "A bucket of white wine" is also the first person, the more inner monologue, this inner monologue type, easy to shorten the psychological distance with readers, and thus can more clearly understand his murderer psychology, grasp the crime motive, to follow the narrator "I" into every detail of the story, until the final visit murder scene, to experience the limits of terror. First-person narrative make readers, as it were, a heart firmly drawn to the narrator and every word, every word resonate with them. Using the first person as the narrator, not only make the plot more ghastly, articles and terrorist atmosphere heavier, rhythm to speed up the step by step, the climax of the article is precisely what the reader terror of vertices, thrilled the reader's heart so deeply, in order to achieve the horrors of the psyche, manifest the human nature of the dark. Works has a lot of the hero "me" is the monterey's inner monologue, these monologues clearly demonstrates to the readers his sinister character, duplicity, need not too much description and grooming, readers can immediately understand that he is a what kind of person. For revenge, monterey is planning already a long time. In addition to the monologue, there are a lot of dialogue in this paper fully service for the whole work effect, is used to suggest that characters in the works, at the same time send a groundwork for the paper. In terms of character portrayal, the avengers blessed terry spindle and victim handled holds two has obvious flaws in character. Vengeful the former but on the surface to be passive and to anyone with smile, give a person a kind of friendly feeling. The latter his arrogance and strong vanity and his vanity can be reflected from his language and behavior. Slope in shaping the two characters, not too much descriptive language, but the clever use of first person as narrative person, namely the monterey spindle. As a result, the monterey shuttle psychology can show incisively and vividly, and it is natural enough to convince the reader. Among them a lot of dialogue is unique in design. If calculated on word in full, a total of approximately 2334 words dialogue part is about 1100 words. If the paragraph is calculate the full text altogether 89 segments, and the dialogue part accounted for $73. Talks were part of the whole novel length is obvious. And dialogue short sentences, not a word is superfluous. This shining brief dialogue is setting the slope of superb artistic creation skills and concise concise style. Symbol is in the literary and artistic creation through specific, easy to cause that the specific image of lenovo, performance characteristics similar or similar concepts, thoughts and feelings. Use the symbol in large Numbers in this novel, to expand the package of information capacity and foil terrorist atmosphere of the novel. At the same time, fitting irony gimmick to promote the role of their terror atmosphere. About the symbolism in the novel, in the carnival, the deep breathing, dressed in colorful clothes, wearing a hat, bell himself dressed as a clown. And he himself is revenge murder be ridiculed clown in the game.
第5个回答  2014-01-28
Shaping the devil type characters are typical of Gothic novels. In the novel the author emphasizes on the description of the morbid psychology of the protagonist's. The shuttle is a narrow-minded person from first to last, he will ever insult in mind, always thinking about revenge. Even so, he in the implementation plan to kill or trying to cover up his hypocritical humility. And Fu breathing support is a will never become arrogant personality, is a kind of expression in the light of the defects of character. Two personality distortions in conversation tasting plot intersection reflected: (.......) Although this dialogue with the word is very simple, but accurately reflects a two bit character flaw: Fu breathing support arrogance; and Mengtelisuoze is make every move only after mature deliberation, artful, false cold, it is also seems to be the more hypocritical show he is narrow. He hated Fu Tu Nuttall on their various hurt and insult, but he despised his courage, a kind of revenge this and make every move only after mature deliberation character, make it a cruel revenge.
, writing skills
"A bucket of white Wine" full text is small, compact structure, profound meaning, it is only about two thousand five hundred words, can in a very short period of time to read. The slope in the novels of the special writing skills, such as taking the first person as appropriate elaboration, but brief soliloquy and dialogue and to a proper extent symbol, irony used in a short period of time, the short range can let the reader feel the soul of terror.
Most of the novel slope, refer to the first person, it seems more conducive to he express vent your heart and mind under pressure and impulse. "A bucket of white Wine" is also used in the first person, from the inner monologue, the inner monologue, be an easy job to be shortened and the reader's psychological distance, which can more clearly understand his murderous psychology, grasp the motive for the crime, every detail to follow the narrator "I" into the story. Finally, at the murder scene, experience the terror of the limit. The first person narration so that the reader be personally on the scene, a heart firmly by the narrator to attract and every word, every word resonate with. Using the first person as narrator, not only make the plot more ghastly, but the atmosphere is more and more heavy, rhythm and step up, the climax is the reader terrorist vertices, so that readers heart also was deeply moved, in order to reach the hearts of terror, appear dark side of human nature. There are many works in the hero of "I" is also the Monterey and inner monologue, the monologue to the readers clearly demonstrated his cunning, quite different character, do not have too much description and modification of readers can understand that all of a sudden he is a what kind of person. For revenge, Monterey Joseph is the long-awaited. In addition to monologue, there are lots of dialogue for the whole works full service, used to imply that works in the character's personality, while laying the groundwork for the development.
Portrait of the character, the Avengers Monterey shuttle and the Fu spit Nuttall two have obvious defects in character. The vengeful but on the surface to be a yes-man, everyone smile, give a person a kind of friendly feeling. The latter is domineering, vanity strong and his vanity from his language and behavior can be reflected. Slope in shaping the two character, did not use the descriptive language of many, but the clever use of the first person narrative person as, namely the shuttle. In this way, the shuttle psychology can most incisive demonstrated, and it is natural enough to convince the reader. A lot of dialogue which design is have great originality. The full text if the word count a total of approximately 2334 words, the conversation is about 1100 words. If the paragraph computing full text of a total of 89 segments, and the conversation accounted for 73. Part of the dialogue in this novel space is obviously. But dialogue sentences short and clear, not a word is redundant. This a short dialogue is the condensation of slope superb artistic creation skills and concise style.
The symbol is by specific, easy to cause the specific image association of literary creation, representation of concepts, thoughts and feelings with the similar characteristics of the technique. This novel uses a large number of symbols, to expand the information capacity and improves the novel terrorist atmosphere. At the same time, to a proper extent of irony has promoting effect on creating the atmosphere of fear. On the symbolism in the novel, the carnival, be riotous with colour Fortu AAnatole wearing clothes, wearing a bell cap, dressed up as a clown. And he himself is revenge murder game be ridiculed.



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