
假如你是林芳,在英语学习中遇到了以下困难,1记忆单词有困难2感觉语法难学3阅读中不知道如何处理生词,请你就以上问题像老师Mr Zhao咨询希望能得到帮助,开头是 Dear Mr Zhao I am very pleased to write to you结尾是yours Lin Fang 90词左右就行不要写太多

第1个回答  2013-12-21
Dear Mr Zhao, I am very pleased to write to you. I am not getting along well with my English. Remembering new words is the biggest problem for me. I spend a lot of time trying to learn the new words by heart, but I always forget a lot. And I find grammar is too difficult for me. I have trouble understanding your explanations. What should I do ? Besides, I don’t know how to deal with the new words in reading. Please give me some advice.yours Lin Fang本回答被网友采纳



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