权利的游戏前7季经典台词 最后一句差点落泪


第1个回答  2022-09-26



1. The more people you love, the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。

2. The man who fears losing has already lost. 怕输的人已经输了。

3. All you books and you still don't know.就算阅遍羣书,也无法看透人心。

4. Nothing someone says before the word ‘but’ really counts. “但是”之前的话都是废话。

5. There is only one God,and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death:“Not today.” 世界上只有一个神,他叫做死神。我们只有一句话对死神说:“今天还不是时候。”


6. The things we love destroy us every time. 我们爱什么,就总会毁在什么上面。

7. Laughter is poison to fear. 笑是恐惧的解药。

8. Nothing burns like the cold. 寒冷最灼人。

9. I choose my allies carefully and my enemies more carefully still . 我小心选择同盟,但更谨慎选择敌人。

10. A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep 雄狮不会在乎羊羣的想法


11. I am guilty of being a dwarf. I've been on trial for that my entire life.我的罪过是生为侏儒,我的一生都为此遭受审判

12. A very *** all man can cast a very large shadow.即便是矮小之人,也能投射出巨大的影子。

13. What do we have left once we abandon the lie? 戳破谎言,我们还剩下什么?

14. Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a very *** all man can cast a very large shadow. 权力存于人心。信则有,不信则无。惑人的把戏,如浮影游墙。即便是矮小之人,也能投射出巨大的影子。

15. Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.死亡一下就把人带到尽头,而活着能有那么多的可能性啊

16. He was always clever, even as a boy, but it is one thing to be clever and another to be wise. 从小时候起,他就是一个聪明人。但聪明和明智是有区别的。

17. The things we love destroy us every time.  我们爱什么,就总会毁在什么上面。

18. Jugglers and singers require applause. 杂耍和唱歌的才需要掌声。 

19. "Power is a curious thing"——“权力是件古怪的东西”

20. Bran:“Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?” Ned: “That is the only time a man can be brave.” “一个人如果害怕,还能勇敢么?” “人只有在害怕的时候才会变勇敢。”


21. When you're nothing at all,there's no more reason to be afraid. 当你什么都不是的时候,你就会无所畏惧。

22. It doesn't matter what we want,once we get it, then we want something else. 不管我们想要的是什么,一旦到手,我们便又会想要其他的。

23. You waste time trying to get people to love you, you'll end up the most popular dead man in town. 把时间浪费在博得别人爱戴上,你会成为世界上受爱戴的死人。

24. If your gods are real and if they are just, why is the world so full of injustice? 如果你的神真的存在,如果他们真的公正,那为何世上尽是不公之事?

25. I have a tender spot in my heart,for cripples,bastards and broken things. 我的心底有块伤疤,系于残废、杂种和一切坏掉的东西。

26. Love is the death of duty. 爱是责任的大忌。


27. Too easy words of war bee acts of war. 草率言战必将引起战争。

28. If I ever kill you, your eyes will be wide open.如果我哪天要杀你,你的眼睛一定是睁着的。 ----乔治·马丁

29. 结婚的誓词:Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am his/hers, and s/he is mine, from this day, until the end of my days

30. You?will?see?exactly?what?life?is?worth,?when?all?the?rest?has?gone.?当一切都消失的时候你会明白生命究竟有何价值。





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