

第1个回答  2023-02-27




  ①、字母a在开音节与闭音节中的读音|?|:cat, rat, cap, hat, bag, bat, map, lamp, bad , dad, mad,fat

  ②、字母e在闭音节中的读音|e|:dress, vest, bed, desk, hen, egg, pen, red ,bed,yet,wed, went, wet, hen, ten, yes, help, let

  ③、字母i在闭音节中的发音|i|:pig, fish, ship ,hill, sit, chips, chick, six ,him, still, sing, thing, with, kid, wit, is

  ④、字母o在闭音节中的发音|?|:dog, fox, doll, box, frog, cock, clock, rock, hot, job, boss, frog, god, not, on

  ⑤、字母u在闭音节中的发音|?|:bus, gun, duck, mum, sun, run, hut, bun, luck


  ①、字母a在开音节中的读音|ei|:Cake, plate, game, face, lake, lake, plane, name, snake

  ②、字母 e在开音节中的读音|i:|:he, she, me , we, Steve ,Eve

  ③、字母i在开音节中的读音|ai|:nine, kite,bike, rice, five, fly, ride, ice, white, light, sky, high, I, light, sky, high

  ④、字母o的开音节单词的读音| ?u |go, close, nose, home, coke, bone, stone, those, hope, whole, joke,smoke,note, role

  ⑤、字母u在开音节单词的读音|ju:|mule, use, tube , student, unit, computer



  1.动物名词:monkey, giraffe, tiger, elephant, deer, bear, rabbit, lion, rat, bat, snake

  2.衣服名词:dress, vest, blouse, skirt, shirt, coat, hat, cap

  3.食物的名词:bun, cake, chip, coke, nut, egg, peach, sandwich, hot dog

  4.家庭成员名词:father, mother, brother, sister, grandma

  5.动词:run, jump, hop, skip, walk, swim , count, sing, ride, go, close, play, fly, wait, open, help, sit make, let

  6..形容天气的词:sunny,fine, cloudy , rainy,windy, hot, cold, cool

  7.形容词:bad, nice, fun, little, short, fat

  8.颜色形容词:white, red, yellow, blue, green, orange, brown, purple, black

  9.疑问词:what, who , where, why

  101.交通工具、玩具名词:plane,bike ,ship, bus 、toy, doll, gun , gift, kite

  11.事物名词bed, box, door, table, mop , candle, map, lamp, home , hut , sun, nose ,hill, cup



  1. 打招呼

  Glad to meet you. —Glad to meet you, too

  Glad to see you again. —Me, too.

  How are you? —Not bad. / I’m ok. /I’m fine.

  And you? — I?m OK.

  How do you do? — How do you do?

  Thank you. ----That?s ok.

  Thank you. ----Not at all.

  2. I am not good at English/Chinese/maths. ----- I can help you.



  It?s a ….It?s too short/big/long/old/new.

  It?s a nice blouse/vest.

  4. 问颜色及回答:

  What colour is your dress? — It?s red/yellow….

  The hat/coat… is yellow/red….

  A red dress for you. It?s a nice blouse/vest.

  5. So many animals.

  So many good things How nice on a ship! How nice! Cool!

  What a fine day! What a big cake!

  It?s fun ( to run) in the sun.

  6. 一般疑问句:

  Is it a/an …? —Yes, it is. / No. it isn?t.

  Is she with…? — Yes, she is with …..

  7. 询问天气:

  Is it hot /sunny /rainy…? —Yes, it is. / No,it isn?t.

  It’s rainy/cloudy/windy…

  8. It?s so cold!

  Are you (still) cold? Yes,I am./ No, I?m not.

  9. My nose is running.

  10. Happy birthday to you. —Thank you.

  11. I can?t find /see….


  Line up, please.

  One, two! Run!

  Come on!

  Please wait.

  Come in, please.

  Sit down, please.

  Open the door.

  Please don?t open the door.

  Please have a cake/an apple…. —Thank you.

  Take out / Put down your book.

  Open /close your book.

  Look at your book/the blackboard.



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