
Applications development.
Clearly the discovery of new applications or uses for a product can increase or prolong its profitability.Not only does this generate more income but the resulting increased scale of production can lead to lower unit costs and increased profit.An example is PVC whose early uses included records and plastic raincoats.Applications which came later included plastic bags and particularly engineering uses in pipes and guttering.
Emphasis has already been placed on the fact that chemicals are usually purchased for the effect,or particular use,or application which they have.This often means that there will be close liaison between the chemical companies'technical sales representatives and the customer,and the level of technical support for the customer can be a major factor in winning sales.Research and development chemists provide the support for these applications developments. An example is CF3CH3F.This is the first of the CFC replacements and has been developed as a refrigerant gas. However,it has recently been found that it has special properties as a solvent for extracting natural products from plant materials.In no way was this envisaged when the compound was first being made for use as a refrigerant gas,but it clearly is an example of applications development.
Variations in R&D Activities across the Chemical Industry
Both the nature and amount of R&D carried out varies significantly across the various sectors of the chemical industry,In sectors which involve large scale production of basic chemicals and where the chemistry,products and technology change only slowly because the processes are mature,R&D expenditure is at the lower end of the range for the chemical industry.Most of this will be devoted to process improvement and effluent treatment.Examples include ammonia,fertilizers and chloralkali production from the inorganic side,and basic petrochemical intermediates such as ethylene from the organic side.
At the other end of the scale lie pharmaceuticals and pesticides(or plant protection products).Here there are immense and continuous efforts to synthesize new molecules which exert the desired,specific biological effect.A single company way generate 10,000 new compounds for screening each year.Little wonder that some individual pharmaceutical company's annual R&D expenditure is now approaching $1000 million! Expressing this in a different way they spend in excess of 14% of sales income(note not profits) on R&D.

第1个回答  2008-12-12
显然发现了新的应用或使用的产品可以增加或延长其profitability.Not不仅会创造更多的收入,但由此产生的增加生产规模,可导致较低的单位成本和提高profit.An的例子是聚氯乙烯,其用途包括早期记录和塑料raincoats.Applications其中包括后来的塑料袋,特别是工程使用的管道和guttering 。
变化的R & D活动整个化学工业
双方的性质和数额的R & D进行差别很大各个部门的化学工业,在涉及部门大规模生产的基本化学品和在化学,产品和技术的变化,因为只是缓慢的过程是成熟的, R & D支出是在低端的范围为化学industry.Most这将致力于工艺改进和污水treatment.Examples包括合成氨,化肥和氯碱生产无机一方,基本石化中间体,如乙烯的有机一方。
在另一端的规模谎言药品和农药(或植物保护产品) 。这里是巨大的和持续的努力,以合成新的分子而产生所期望的,特定的生物effect.A单一公司的方式创造10000个新化合物筛选每年。无怪乎一些个别的制药公司的年度R & D支出现在已接近一十○点零亿美元!这表示以不同的方式,他们花费超过14 %的销售收入(注意不是利润)研发



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