
1我不能接受你作为我的助手(accept)2这兄弟俩性格彼此不同(different)3一名导游带领游客参观了博物馆(conduct)4他们过去住在北京,现在却在一个小镇定居了(used to)5我看过他所有的电影,包括最后一部在内(include)6我都奇怪这么晚了谁会在敲门(wonder)7全世界有十一亿人无法获取干净的饮用水(access)8在你方便的时候请过来(convenient)

第1个回答  2014-03-14
1 I can't accept you as my assistant ( accept ) 2 the two brothers character different from each other ( different ) 3 a guide conducted the visitors round the Museum ( conduct ) 4 and they lived in Beijing in the past, but now in a town settled ( used to ) 5 I've seen all his movies, including the last one ( include ) 6, I wondered who would be so late at the door ( wonder ) 7 one billion one hundred million people worldwide have no access to clean drinking water ( 8 access ) at your convenience. Please come ( convenient )
第2个回答  2014-03-14
1、I can't accept you as my assistant2、These two brothers had a different character each other
3、A tour guide conducted the visitors round the museum4、They used to live in Beijing, but now I live in a small town
5、I've seen all his films, including the last part inside
6、I have strange so night who will be knocking at the door
7、The whole world has one billion one hundred million people can't get clean drinking water
8、In the time that is convenient to you come here, please
第3个回答  2014-03-14
1 I cannot accept you as my assistant
2 The two brothers are different in their characteristic
3 A tourist guide conducted the tourists to the museum
4 They used to live in Beijing, but now they live in a small town
5 I have seen all of his movies, including the latest one
6 I was wondering who might this be knocking at my door
7 There are 1.1 billion people can not get access to clean drinking water
8 Please come whenever you are convenient




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