
在跨文化交际中,由于文化障碍而导致的信息误解,甚至伤害对方的现象屡见不鲜。有时善意的言谈会使 对方尴尬无比,礼貌的举止会被误解为荒诞粗俗。因此,研究文化差异,研究正确的跨文化交际行为已成为不 可忽视的问题。

在中国,对别人的健康状况表示关心是有教养、有礼貌的表现。但对西方人的健康表示关心,就不能按中 国的传统方式了。一个中国学生得知其美籍教师生病后,会关切地说“you should go to see a doctor!(你 应该到医院看看)”。不料,这句体贴的话反而使这位教师很不高兴。因为在这位教师看来,有病看医生这种 简单的事情连小孩都知道,用不着任何人来指教。如果就某种小事给人以忠告,那显然是对其能力的怀疑,从 而大大伤害其自尊心。

中国人在饭桌上的热情好客经常被西方人误解为不文明的行为。因西方人认为:客人吃多吃少完全由自己 决定,用不着主人为他加菜添酒;而且饮食过量是极不体面的事情,因此客人吃饭后,主人不必劝他再吃。一 位美国客人看到中国主人不断地给他挟菜很不安,事后他抱怨说“主人把我当猪一样看待”。

中国人路遇熟人时,往往会无所顾忌地说:“啊呀,老兄,你近来又发福了!”或者以关切的口吻说:“ 老兄,你又瘦了,要注意身体啊!”而西方人若听你说“you are fat”或“you are so thin”,即使比较熟 悉,也会感到尴尬和难以作答。


第1个回答  2006-05-19
In cross-cultural communication, because of cultural barriers and lead to misunderstanding of information, and even hurt each other are common occurrences. Sometimes well-intentioned embarrassment with the other camp will, courtesy of behaviour misunderstood as absurd vulgar. Therefore, the study of cultural differences, cross-cultural communication study correct behaviour has become not be ignored. In China, expressed concern for the health of others are correctional, courteous performance. But expressed concern about the health of Westerners can not be based on the traditional Chinese way. A Chinese American students know their teachers became ill, expressed concern that "you should go to see a doctor! (you should go to the hospital to see)." Unexpectedly, this considerate, but that the teachers are very unhappy. Because in the view of teachers, medical doctors such simple things even children know, without anyone to enlighten. Advice given to a particular matter if it is clearly their capacity doubt greatly harm from its self-esteem. Chinese people in the hospitality table Westerners often misinterpreted as uncivilized behaviour. By Westerners think : Guests eat exclusively from their own decisions without his masters describe Tim liquor; And excessive diet is extremely shameful thing, and therefore guests for dinner, the master advised him not eat. 1 American guests to see China continuing to master his Xiecai very uneasy after he complained, "When the pig as I look at the masters." Chinese Monk acquaintances, often unabashedly said : "oh, Brother, you have also made Fook! "or to the tone of voice that concern :" Brother, you are thin, and we should pay attention to the body! "and Westerners who listen to you say" you are fat "or" you are so thin, "even know know, will feel embarrassed and difficult to answer. From the above examples it is not difficult to see : cultural barriers truly affect cross-cultural communication. It is therefore necessary to study the differences between different cultures.
第2个回答  2006-05-19
In across the cultural social intercourse, because of the cultural obstacle but the information misunderstanding that cause, even hurt the phenomenon of the other party to see not fresh often.Sometimes the good faith speech talk would make the other party is embarrassed and matchless, the bearing of the manner would drive misunderstand for fantastic and vulgar.Therefore, research cultural difference, the research is right of across the cultural social intercourse behavior to have become not the problem that can neglect.

At China, mean that concern is a cultivated and polite performance to the other people's healthy condition.But mean the concern to the western person healthily, can't press the traditional way of the medium country.An inside Chinese studies livings to know its U.S. citizen after teacher get sick, will concern the ground to say" you should go to see a doctor!( You should arrive the hospital to see)".Did not expect, this words that show consideration to make this teacher very unhappy on the contrary.Because in this teacher's eyes, sick go for a doctor this kind of simple affair even the kids all know, needless anyone to advise.If for a certain and small matter give person with advice, that obviously is as to it's doubt of ability, from but hurt its sense of pride consumedly.

The Chinese are on the dining table of hot liver hospitality was usually is a not civilized behavior by the western person misunderstanding.Think because of the western person:The guest eats to eat much little be decide by the oneself completely, the needless host have better food to add the wine for him;And the food surfeit is a very not honourable affair, so after guest have a meal, the host need not advise him to eat again.An American guest see the Chinese host carry vegetables for him constantly very uneasy, after the event he complains to say" the host are the pig to me similar treat".

When Chinese road meet the acquaintance, usually will have no the ground have scruples about to say:" Oh my!, you, you grew fat again recently!" Or with concern of tone say:" You, you lost again, notice the body!" And western person if hear you say" the you are fat" or" the you are so thin", even more familiar all, also will feel embarrassed and hard to make the answer.

Not difficult see from the above example:The cultural obstacle really will affect to across the cultural social intercourse.Therefore have the necessity to study the intercultural difference.本回答被提问者采纳



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