

第1个回答  2022-08-01

1.关于酒的诗词 英文的

李白 君不见, 黄河之水天上来, 奔流到海不复回。

君不见, 明镜悲白发, 朝如青丝暮成雪。人生得意须尽欢, 莫使金樽空对月,天生我材必有用, 千金散尽还复来。

烹羊宰牛且为乐, 会须一饮三百杯。岑夫子! 丹丘生!将进酒; 君莫停。

与君歌一曲, 请君为我侧耳听。钟鼓馔玉不足贵, 但愿长醉不愿醒。

古来圣贤皆寂寞, 惟有饮者留其名。昔时宴, 斗酒十千恣欢谑。

主人何为言少钱, 径须沽取对君酌。五花马, 千金裘。

呼儿将出换美酒, 与尔同消万古愁。BRINGING IN THE WINE Li Bai See how the Yellow River's waters move out of heaven.Entering the ocean, never to return.See how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high chambers,Though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow。

.Oh, let a man of spirit venture where he pleases And never tip his golden cup empty toward the moon!Since heaven gave the talent, employed!Spin a thousand pieces of silver, all of them come back!Cook a sheep, kill a cow, whet the appetite,And make me, of three hundred bowls, one long drink!。To the old master, Cen,And the young scholar, Danqiu,Bring in the wine!Let your cups never rest!Let me sing you a song!Let your ears attend!What are bell and drum, rare dishes and treasure?Let me be forever drunk and never come to reason!Sober men of olden days and sages are forgotten,And only the great drinkers are famous for all time。

.Prince Chen paid at a banquet in the Palace of Perfection Ten thousand coins for a cask of wine, with many a laugh and quip.Why say, my host, that your money is gone?Go and buy wine and we'll drink it together!My flower-dappled horse,My furs worth a thousand,Hand them to the boy to exchange for good wine,And we'll drown away the woes of ten thousand generations!。


Romans 14:20 Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to let his eating be a stumbling block. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything to cause your brother to stumble. Keep your belief about such matters between yourself and God.。


Builds a simple hut in the human boundary, but does not have the carriages and horses to be noisy. Asks what to be able you, ambitiously self bias. Picks east the chrysanthemum under the fence, sees Mt. Na easely. Shan Qiri the evening is good, the bird deals with also. In this has the true meaning, wants to distinguish has forgotten the word.


Jie Lu in human territory, Without even traveling Xuan. Q jun HE be able to Seoul, Xin-yuan to self-bias. Ju Tori mining under the Find it a pleasure to see the mountain. Hill Air Rixi good, Birds get along with also. Herein are their true intentions To distinguish words have been forgotten.

4.《饮酒》 英语翻译

Drinking wine


By Xu Yuanchong

In people's haunt i build my cot;

Of wheel's and hoof's noise i hear not.

How can it leave on me no trace?

Secluded heart makes secluded place.

i pick fenceside asters at will;

Carefree i see the southern hill.

The mountain air's fresh day and night;

Together birds go home in flight.

What revelation at this view?

Words fail if i try to tell you.

Drinking Wine

Tao Qian

I made my home amidst this human bustle,

Yet I hear no clamour from the carts and horses.

My friend, you ask me how this can be so?

A distant heart will tend towards like places.

From the eastern hedge, I pluck chrysanthemum flowers,

And idly look towards the southern hills.

The mountain air is beautiful day and night,

The birds fly back to roost with one another.

I know that this must have some deeper meaning,

I try to explain, but cannot find the words.


Within the world of men I make my home,

Yet din of house and carriage there is none;

You ask me how this quiet is achieved-

With thoughts remote the place appears alone.

While picking asters'neath the Eastern fence

My gaze upon the Southern mountain rests;

The mountain views are good by day or night,

The birds come flying homeward to their nests.

A truth in this reflection lies concealed,

But I forget how it may be revealed.

-translated by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie

What do u think of the translations of the last two sentences?




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