

第1个回答  2008-10-22
1.The headmaster checked the classroom again to make sure no student remains there.
2.The team leader firmly round enverybody's waist with a rope bofore beginning to climb the mountain.
3.Why don't you join this extreme sport ?
4.It requires great courage to do bungee jumping.
5.A excellent idea occurs to Henry.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2008-10-22
1, The head teacher checked again to ensure (that) there is no students left in the classroom.
2, before climbing, the team leader tight the robe in the waist for everyone.
3, why (you) not join the Extreme Sports?
4, Bungee needs great courage.
5, Henry suddenly got a good idea.
第3个回答  2008-10-22
1. The president double checked all classroom to make sure there is no students left there.
2. Before mountaineering, the team leader fix a rope for every menber.
3. Why don't you join this Extreme Sport ?
4. Bungee jumpingneeds big courage.
5. Suddenly, a marvelous idea cone into Herry's mind.
第4个回答  2008-10-22
1、 The school master has checked the classroom again to make sure there is no student left in it.
2、 Before climbing the mountain, team leader ties ropes on everyone's waists tight.
3、Why don't you join this highpoint sport?
4、Doing bungee jumping needs great courage.
5、Henry suddenly brainstorms a fantastic idea.
第5个回答  2008-10-22
1 The headmaster looked around the classroom again to make sure that no one still stayed.
2 Before climbing the mountain,the team leader tied a rope to everybody's waist.
3 Why didn't you take participate in this extreme sport?
4 Bungji requires great courage.
5 Suddenly a excellent idea came up to Henri.



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