

第1个回答  2024-06-18
1. Jacal: A small hut or cabin.
2. Jackal: A type of wild dog.
3. Jackmill: A type of machine for forging iron rods.
4. Jack-towel: A long towel.
5. Jacobinical: Relating to or characteristic of the Jacobins, a political club during the French Revolution.
6. Jail: A place of confinement for criminals.
7. Jambul: A type of fruit, also known as a rose apple.
8. Jambulol: An acid found in the jambul fruit.
9. Jarful: The capacity of a jar, typically a unit of measurement for liquids.
10. Jargonel: A type of early-ripening pear.
11. Jarl: A chieftain or nobleman.
12. Jasmal:Benzyl acetate, a chemical compound.
13. Jasminal:茉莉醛, a chemical compound with a茉莉花 scent.
14. Jayteal: A small duck or teal.
15. Jebel: A mountain or high peak.
16. Jejunal: Relating to the jejunum, the second part of the small intestine.
17. Jestful: Full of jokes or playful.
18. Jesuitical: Characteristic of the Jesuits, often implies cunning or duplicity.
19. Jetal: A type of oxidation process, Jetal process.
20. Jetfoil: A type of hydrofoil boat.
21. Jerbil: A desert rodent, also known as a jerboa.
22. Jewel: A precious stone.
23. Jezail: An Afghan long smoothbore gun.
24. Jill: A female.
25. Joel: The Book of Joel in the Bible.
26. Jokul: A mountain or雪山.
27. Jonquil: A type of narcissus flower, symbolizing longevity.
28. Joual: A term used in the province of Quebec, Canada, referring to a rural area.
29. Journal: A periodical publication, magazine, or a sea voyage diary, also a ledger.
30. Jovial: Full of joy and good humor.
31. Joyful: Experience of happiness and delight.
32. Judaeophil: Sympathetic or kind to Jews.
33. Judaical: Relating to Judaism or Jews.
34. Judgemental: Relating to judgments or decisions.
35. Judicial: Relating to the judiciary, justice, or courts.
36. Jugful: The amount of liquid that a jug can hold.
37. Jumbal: A type of round cookie or sweet.
38. Junctural: Relating to a junction or connection.
39. Junenol: A chemical compound.
40. Jural: Legal or relating to rights and obligations.
41. Jurel: A type of fish in the carangid family.
42. Justicial: Fair and just.
43. Juvinal: Relating to youth or immature birds.
44. Juxtaterrestrial: Relating to or near the earth's surface.
These should be sufficient!



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