

第1个回答  2022-11-10

1. 可以用在语文写作的副词




2. 英语用六个频率副词写一篇小短文

I am a good student at school.Iam never late for school.I always do my best to help others.I usually get up at 6 a.m..I often read English in the morning.I sometimes play volleyball in the afternoon.But I seldom speak English after class.。

3. 怎样写200个单词的副词作文

We can use superlative adverbs to make parisons:我们可以用最高级副词来做比较:His ankles hurt badly, but his knees hurt worst.It rains most often at the beginning of the year.Intensifiers:强调成分When we intensify a superlative adverb we often use the in front of the adverb, and we use these words and phrases as intensifiers:当我们强调最高级副词时,我们通常在副词前加the,并且我们用以下单词和词组作为强调成分:easily - much - far - by far。

4. 副词的位置.我想在写作文时多用点副词,但害怕用错反而作文被扣分我

副 词 的 位 置: 1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面. I get up early in the morning everyday. 我每天早早起床.2) 副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面. It's rather easy,I can do it. 这很容易,我能做到.3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面. I often help him these days. 这些日子我经常帮助他.4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面. When do you study everyday? 你每天什么时间学习?5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中,地点副词在前面时间副词在后面. We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o'clock yesterday. 昨天九点钟我们到超市买东西了.。

5. 【总结一些英语写作常用副词(六级)在英语写作中有些词语比如“认

开头:第一 first ,firstly 首先,第一 first of all ,to begin with ,in the first place ,to start with 首先(其次) for on thing (。

for another)一方面(另一方面) on the one hand (。on the other hand )一般来说 generally speaking ,in general起初 in the begining 最初 at first 现在 at present ,now目前 currently最近 recently ,lately 结尾:因此 hence 最后 finally总之 in conclusion简言之 in short ,in brief 摘要地说 in summary简单地说 briefly最重要的是 above all结果 as a result 所以 so ,for this reason终于 at last 如我所述 as I have said 如前所述 as has been noted 最后 eventually一般来说 by and large 于是 accordingly 的确 indeed ,truly无疑 undoubtedly ,surely ,certainly 显然 obviously。

6. 英语用六个频率副词写一篇小短文

I am a good student at school.Iam never late for school.I always do my best to help others.I usually get up at 6 a.m..I often read English in the morning.I sometimes play volleyball in the afternoon.But I seldom speak English after class。




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