以“Healthy Eating Advisor为题的英语作文”

以“Healthy Eating Advisor为题的英语作文”

第1个回答  2016-03-19
As people focus on health, the nutrition level of more and more attention, but most people tend to be concerned about what any one single food nutrition, while ignoring the way food is healthy. The following summarizes some healthy eating habits.
Omnivore fully embodies the principle of complementary foods, is guaranteed access to a variety of nutrients. You can start every day eat 10 kinds and 15 kinds of food to start.
Slow Food
"A meal chewing 30 times, a meal for half an hour" has multiple effects: brain, weight loss, beauty, anti-cancer.
Vegetarian food
Means "basic vegetarian", and not just one does not eat meat, eat the human digestive system which is the prototype structure of the decision. Vegetarian prevention and treatment of diseases of civilization core measures.
Early food
Three meals a day early units are required. Early breakfast food is a day of "mental switch"; eat dinner early can prevent more than ten kinds of diseases.
Light food
Including salt, less fat, less sugar content. A "light" word solvable.
Eat foods high temperatures, harmful to the health of the esophagus. Low-temperature life extension, cold also enhance digestive function.
The vast majority of foods are fresh, many "living nutrients" can be maintained. Promoting "eat fresh fresh to do," "do not eat left."
"Clean" include dust, bacteria and viruses, and no pollutants.
raw food
Not all are eaten raw, but "for raw food raw food as much as possible."
Eating regular meals, the formation of dynamic stereotype long time, which is the human body clock requirements.
In the 21st century meal prepared daily meals into five or six meals appropriate, three meals outside the small meals (10:00, about 16:00 pm and 20:00) is called "snacks", with multiple effects. It said with the usual snacks are different, which is no regular quantitative concept, leading to contradictions and dinner.
Eat is a natural bigu state, when the body do not want to diet, do not eat. Even if food should be needy, such as a day without food, three days without food, do not eat five days, seven days without food, even half to several months without food is a natural bigu.本回答被网友采纳



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