
关键词:固定资产 所得税 经济意义

第1个回答  2014-07-01
summary:Along with the rapid development of our economy, the scale of the enterprises are expanding constantly in our country.and enterprise fixed assets investment is gradually increased.Fixed assets depreciation as an important content of fixed assets management, is particularly important to the development of enterprises.Reasonable and scientific to inherent assets depreciation can not only reflect the enterprise economic benefit, but also have a large impact on the follow-up investment.In this paper, combined with the current status of China's economic, analyses the economics of depreciation of fixed assets.
Keywords: fixed assets,income tax, economic significance
第2个回答  2014-07-01
Throughout the life of Chen Hongshou,as an outstanding painter.Insocial unrest,experienceunfortunately lifeis rough,stillwith extraordinaryartistic talentandconsummate artistry,achievementoutstandingLeila,Yuzhuogrotesque figuresdrawingwind.Works withconciseand vividlines,vividlyrecreates the originalbook of thecharactersand story,with high artisticappreciation and collection value.In this paper,combined withChen Hongshou's life experienceand hiscreation ofShuihu leaveshistorical background,do someanalysis from theShuihu leavesart formsand artistic featuresofChen Hongshou's classicline drawing work"Shuihu leaves",expounds someideas andopinions.Keywords:Chen Hongshou leavesShuihu leavesartcharacteristics追问




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