用across,over,between,off,along,in,on,into,out of或under填空

1 The aeroplane is flying( ) the village.2 The ship is going( ) the bridge.3 The boy is swimming( ) the river.4 Two cats are running ( )the wall.5 My books are ( )the shelf.6 The bottle of milk is ( )the refrigerator.7 The boy is jumping ( )the branch.8 Mary is sitting( ) her mother and her father.9 It is 9 o'clock.The children are going ( )class.10 It is 4 o'clock.The children are coming ( )class

第1个回答  2011-12-09
over under across along on in off between into out of
第2个回答  2011-11-30
over under across along on in off between out of into本回答被网友采纳



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