
Elasto-inertial turbulence is a new state of turbulence found in flows with polymer additives . The dynamics of turbulence generated and controlled by such additives is investigated from the perspective of the coupling between polymer dynamics and flow structures. Direct numerical simulations of channel flow with Reynolds numbers ranging from 1000 to 6000 (based on the bulk and the channel height) are used to study the formation and dynamics of elastic instabilities and their effects on the flow. The resulting mechanism of interactions between polymer dynamics and the flow helps resolve a long-standing controversy in the understanding of polymer drag reduction and explains the phenomenon of early turbulence, or onset of turbulence at lower Reynolds numbers than for Newtonian flows, previously observed in polymeric flows. Polymers also point out an interesting analogy with the forward and backward energy cascade in two-dimensional turbulence.
This article is dedicated to our mentor, colleague and friend, Prof. Parviz Moin, in honour of his 60th birthday, and without whom this research would have never been undertaken. First, because our interest in polymeric flows started through Parviz’ impulsion and guidance more than ten years ago, when research on turbulent drag reduction by polymer additives was initiated at the Center for Turbulence Research (CTR) in Stanford, and which project we had the privilege to be part of. Secondly, because years later the umbrella of the CTR and its Summer Program gave us the chance to revisit and further deepen this topic. The collaborative and incredibly fertile atmosphere of the CTR, which Parviz created and nurtured, was indeed a major contributor to the results presented here. Finally, and foremost, because Parviz’ vision and pioneering work in numerical simulations of turbulence paved the way for so many future research in this field. This is very well exemplified by the results presented here, which demonstrate not only the capacity of high-fidelity computations to accurately simulate experimental observations, but also to offer an unparalleled insight into the physics of such complex flows. We are forever in debt to Parviz for his tremendous help, support and inspiration.

第1个回答  2016-12-20
这篇文章是献给我的导师,同事和朋友,Parviz Moin教授,在他第六十岁生日的荣誉,没有他们,这一研究将一直进行。首先,因为我们在聚合物fl利益流经Parviz冲击和指导超过十年前开始的,当聚合物添加剂湍流减阻的研究是在湍流研究中心(CTR)开始在斯坦福,哪些项目我们有幸成为其中的一部分。其次,因为年后的CTR和夏季项目的伞给了我们机会去重新审视和进一步深化这一主题。该中心的协作和非常肥沃的氛围,其中Parviz的创建和培育,是这里的结果的主要因素。最后,也是最重要的,因为在湍流数值模拟Parviz视觉和开拓性的工作为很多未来的研究在这fiELD。这是很好的例证fiED的结果,它不仅展示了高容量fi保真度计算准确地模拟实验观察,而且Off二无与伦比的洞察复杂的物理flOWS。我们永远欠Parviz他的巨大的帮助、支持和激励。



第2个回答  2016-12-20




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