、my mother ____shopping evety saturday ,last satur day l went shopping ___her .we ___some

vegetabies,some eggs ,some meat and some bottes ___milk .l helpes my mother carry the basket.lt was full and very __.
2、"mum.l can "t carry ___now " l said
3、you are a strong boy .come on .l __you can carry it."
4、"but l m hungry .l want __something .l want ___hot dogs."
5、my mother looked at the basket and asked ,"where can we __them?"

第1个回答  推荐于2016-05-16
vegetabies,some eggs ,some meat and some bottes _of__milk .l helpes my mother carry the basket.lt was full and very _heavy_.
2、"mum.l can "t carry __it_now " l said
3、you are a strong boy .come on .l _believe_you can carry it."
4、"but l m hungry .l want _to eat _something .l want _to eat__hot dogs."
5、my mother looked at the basket and asked ,"where can we buy__them?"本回答被提问者采纳



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