

第二十条 设立有限责任公司,应当由全体股东指定的代表或者共同委托的代理人向公司登记机关申请设立登记。设立国有独资公司,应当由国务院或者地方人民政府授权的本级人民政府国有资产监督管理机构作为申请人,申请设立登记。法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定设立有限责任公司必须报经批准的,应当自批准之日起90日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记;逾期申请设立登记的,申请人应当报批准机关确认原批准文件的效力或者另行报批。
第二十一条 设立股份有限公司,应当由董事会向公司登记机关申请设立登记。以募集方式设立股份有限公司的,应当于创立大会结束后30日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记。

第1个回答  推荐于2016-09-07
The 20th article sets up the Limited liability company, the agent who by all shareholder must assign representative who or entrusts together to the company to register the institution to apply to set up the registration. Sets up the state-owned sole ownership company, must takes the applicant by the State Council or the local people's government authorization this level people's government state asset supervisory agency, applies to set up the registration. The law, the administrative rules and regulations or the State Council decided that the stipulation sets up the Limited liability company to report by the authorization, must register the institution authorized date of 90th from to the company to apply to set up the registration; Exceeds the time limit applies to set up the registration, the applicant must request authorization the accurate institution to confirm that the original authorized document the potency or requests authorization separate.
The application sets up the Limited liability company, must register the institution to the company to submit the following document:
(one) the company legal representatives sign set up the registration requisition;
(two) all shareholder assigns to represent or together consignee's proof;
(three) articles of incorporation;
(four) sets up legally examines capital organization writing up to examine the capital to prove that the law, the administrative rules and regulations have the stipulation exception in addition;
(five) the shareholder investment is for the first time the non-currency property, must when the company sets up the registration submits has gone through its property rights shift formalities the certified copy;
(six) shareholder's main body qualifications proof or natural person identification;
(seven) stipulated the directors of corporations, the supervisor, manager's name, the residence document as well as the related assignment, the election or hire proof;
(eight) the company legal representatives hold an office the document and the identification;
(nine) business name prior approval written notice;
(ten) company residence proof;
(11) Country Industry and commerce administration Bureau establish requirements submission other documents.
The foreign investment's Limited liability company's shareholder spending limit must conform to legal, the administrative rules and regulations stipulation for the first time, other parts must, from the company in the founding date 2 years to give the foot, the Investment company may give the foot in 5 years.
The law, the administrative rules and regulations or the State Council decided that the stipulation sets up the Limited liability company to report by the authorization, but must submit the related authorized document.
The 21st article sets up the Limited liability company, must register the institution by the board of directors to the company to apply to set up the registration. Collects the way to set up the Limited liability company, must end latter in 30th in the establishment congress to register the institution to the company to apply to set up the registration.
Applies to set up the Limited liability company, must register the institution to the company to submit the following document:
(one) the company legal representatives sign set up the registration requisition;
(two) the board of directors assigns to represent or together consignee's proof;
(three) articles of incorporation;
(four) sets up legally examines capital organization writing up to examine the capital proof;
(five) the initiator investment is for the first time the non-currency property, must when the company sets up the registration submits has gone through its property rights shift formalities the certified copy;
(six) initiator's main body qualifications proof or natural person identification;
(seven) stipulated the directors of corporations, the supervisor, manager the name, the residence document as well as the related assignment, the election or hire proof;
(eight) the company legal representatives hold an office the document and the identification;
(nine) business name prior approval written notice;
(ten) company residence proof;
(11) Country Industry and commerce administration Bureau establish requirements submission other documents.
Collects the way to set up the Limited liability company, but must submit the establishment congress's council book; Collects the way to set up the Limited liability company public release stock, but must submit the State Council negotiable securities supervisory agency to approve the document.
The law, the administrative rules and regulations or the State Council decided that the stipulation sets up the Limited liability company to report by the authorization, but must submit the related authorized document.本回答被提问者采纳



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