

第1个回答  2022-11-25

1. 以myh0liday为题写一篇作文不少于5句

I'm going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by a spaceship. I will take a big blue spaceship。

then I'll pilot the spaceship to the sun. the sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast.。

2. 以Myhobb为题写一篇40字英语作文


I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.


I like reading for three reasons.First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colorful and without time and space limit.Through reading, I can trace back to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization.It can bring myself to the United states, a glamorous land I have been longing to visit.


Secondly, reading can better myself by showing me a new horizon.In the past years, most of my knowledge has been obtained from books.I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on science, politics, life and society.


Finally, reading bridges the gap beeen my dream and my goal.In order to succeed in my career in the future, I must keep reading, my favorite hobby.


3. myh○met0wn为题写作文,不少于50个单词

My hometown is a *** all beautiful village. It is surrounded by mountains. There is a *** all river near my home. The water is clear. When I was a little child, I liked playing in the river. My hometown is not so rich. Most of the villagers are farmers. They plant rice, corn and peanut. Now, I live in the city, but I still like going back my hometown.


4. 【以MyHope为题,写一篇80词的短文】

I believe that all our dreams can e true if we have courage to pursue them .My father always asked me what I would be in the future .Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply .“ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I 'd like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous .But I never think they are far away.It will e true if I do me best.。

5. 以《My View on Gun Use》为题写一篇120词左右英语作文

Video games have bee a very popular form of entertainment for youngsters in our society. Many youngsters are so addicted to the games that their school works are severely impacted. Parents and the government have attempted to curb the phenamenon by inplementing a variety of restrictions, only to see the problem grow bigger and bigger. Why is this and what can we do about it? I think this is because the the methods are incorrect. First I must point out, video games by themselves are not evil. They are pretty fun in fact. In western countries, even some *** s habitually to play video games for fun. It only bees problematic when a person spends too much time on the games; and this is probably because kids naturally like to play. This is just human nature and I believe there is no way any authority, parents or government, can pletely eliminate the desire to play and have fun, especially in a environment where kids really have very few entertainment alternatives. When restrictions are placed on youngsters to play video games, they simply find other covert channels to satisfy their craving, and those channels frequently have little or no supervision. What if we try in the other direction, to fulfill that desire in a controlled manner? If we make a deal with kids, where certain amount of playing time available to the kids with parental supervision, in exchange for maintaining an adequate level of academic performance? To say the least it will provide a channel for kids to get what they want, other than cutting classes and hiding in *** oke-filled inter cafes. I think this will lead to a win-win result for many kids. Obviously there are many details to be worked out in this alternative approach. But the state of our youngsters' video game crisis suggests we do need to try in a new direction. 谢谢给我个满意。

6. 以《少年不知愁滋味》为题写一篇作文不限文体,600字以上

丑奴儿 少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼.爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁.而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休.欲说还休,却道天好个秋.年纪轻轻时,尚不理解人生之愁,却自以为身在愁中,写诗作赋,诉说苦恼.而到现在,真正知道什么是人生之愁的时候,却想说也说不出了,只能叹这秋之悲凉.“我是一个快乐的小芭比”我总是这样评价自己,但是,每当我这样说的时候.大人们总会显出一副莫名其妙的表情,他们不知道我为什么而快乐.也许是因为我还是一个小孩,从不知道什么是“愁”、它是什么滋味,是甜的?咸的?酸的?苦的?是的,我真的不知道,尽管我曾无数次的希望自己品尝一下,但每次这种滋味总是被别人是想尝到,而我却不曾伤心.爸爸,妈妈整天在外奔波,很忙.每天回家也很少谈笑风生,而我就不同,永远那么活泼开朗.一次,我实在忍不住了,就问妈妈为何而愁?妈妈苦笑着对我说:“我也不想愁,但是又不能不愁……唉!……大人的苦恼你们小孩是理解不了的……”我听了这句话,虽然还是不懂什么叫“愁”,但我想:“爸爸妈妈乃至所有的大人们可能活的都很累,他们整天为:名利、金钱、婚姻、生活等方面困扰着.世界上的人,都接受着不同的待遇,家里穷,就因金钱而苦恼;还是的学习成绩不好,就为儿女的前途而苦恼;年轻人没有找到工作,就因事业而苦恼;而中上阶层的人,就整天想着“调离”和“提拔”,他们每天胆战心惊,对待同事也是暗地里勾心斗角,这就是为了名利.突然,我觉得他们的生活仿佛失去了意义,他们把生活看得过于暗淡,他们的生活与我们这些天真的少年相比失去了很多.大人们真的没有我们幸福,或许我们还没有长大,暂时还不会明白父母的愁情.但是,我还是认为,不管生活怎样对待我,我都应该快乐的活着.“时间可以改变一切”这是一句真理,可能当我经历着父母所经历的那些的时候,也会变得“愁”.如果是这样,那我愿意永远这么大.少年的我永远那么阳光,那么happy,永远不知道:“愁”是啥滋味.岁月流金,似风与我们擦肩而过.摇椅独坐,亭台轩榭中的小楼,记忆如昨.侧耳倾听,窗外是谁在低语.曾几何时,年少的我总扬起稚嫩的脸庞,懵懂地仰望这片天空.而现在,眉宇间却增添了几丝忧愁,偶有阴霾常侵袭着我.执起书笔,字里行间的流露,却漫延成了“少年不识愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁”的感慨.就让岁月,记录下所有梦幻的回忆吧.回忆里,有你,有我.漫步在大街上,看着川流不息的行人擦肩而过.总有美丽的女孩子在我面前闪闪晃过.她们身上清纯的气息,她们脸上最美的笑容,都让我想起了当年的我.幼年的记忆,还在我的脑海里.记忆中,泉州,原本是一个小小的城镇.这个小小的城镇装着小小的我.而小小的我却也开心地度过每个小小的日子.印象中的这座城镇,很美,很清雅,就像一个年迈的老人,洗净了满身的沧桑,映入眼帘的,是超脱世俗的美.我常常和朋友去溪边戏耍.那儿水清,人也清,鱼儿在水中跳跃,人们在岸上欢笑.这时,我们这些调皮的孩子就会趁大人不注意,偷偷地到水里抓鱼,然后再逃回岸上,将鱼一个劲的捧到大人面前,炫耀自己的“功绩”.印象中的我,好可爱好可爱.每当枇杷熟了的时候,我便会央求家长,给我做个小竹挑,来摘够不着的枇杷,然后再小心翼翼地放入口袋里,还一直强调:这是我的,不要和我抢.想着这些回忆,我的嘴角总扬起了笑容.。

7. 写一篇短文,题目Myh0liday不少于5句话

My summer holiday I had a happy holiday because I did many interesting things. I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then I went to the zoo with my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too. I had a wonderful holiday this year.What about you? Can you tell me somthing about it?。

8. 请以H0Wt0USethe工nterC0rreCt|y

你老适当删减下~~~对不起,写多了~~~Neork brings the benefits of humanity are numerous. The emergence of the neork is the modern social progress, a sign of the development of science and technology.In the modern sense of illiteracy is no longer refers to those who can't read, but do understand the puter from the information age.In science is not developed in ancient times, people hope to never leave home, just know what's going on in the world, now the information highway has put this fantasy into reality.Elementary school students in the enty-first century, is still can read only a page book, and not even?First, can open field of vision.The Inter can prompt understanding news, get all the latest knowledge and information, for future study and life has very helpful guidance.The Inter can enrich the mind, as long as pay attention can learn many schools learn knowledge, broaden their knowledge.Panoramic view of the mouse, the boundless universe.Second, can be alien exchange.Student a was often mentioned weakness is the absence of confidence, dare not dialogue and exchanges with the outside world.Now with the Inter, they can pletely overe the psychological barriers, and in the process of overseas exchange, and broaden their horizons.Neork for educational resources provides a convenient channel of munication, not only the teacher, and students can log in all kinds of education website for learning via the Inter.Third, can promote the personal progress of teenagers.Eliminating psychological barriers, can not scruple to friend pour out heart, reduce the academic burden caused by psychological stress;Can be in every BBS posted their views on various issues and insights, which can exercise writing, and feel a sense of acplishment;Can improve the level of a hobby;Diy home page is being a fashion, put their favorite picture information travels up, open a discussion forum, some posts, and everybody exchanges, in mastering the use of puter sofare at the same time oneself do moderator feeling really good, is beneficial to set up the confidence of learning.。

9. 以bicycle为题写一篇70字作文

My bicycle

I have a beautiful bike.My mother bought it for me.

The bike is very beautiful.I like it.It is blue and black.The bike is *** all,but I can ride the bike very fast.

I usually ride on my bike,passing gardens,streets,towns,bridges,parks and libraries.This bike is my 'good friend'.

I like this beautiful bike very much.



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