求高手 把下面的英语句子翻译成被动语态 谢谢

1, Foreign Languages always impressed Bob .
2,His parents had aiways encourged him to study a foreign language
3,His mother had taught him Chiese when he was a little boy.
4,His Chinese instructor told him about the exchange student programme When he was a university student,
5,he hopes that a university in China will offer him a scholarship to study there someday

第1个回答  2012-02-03
1, Foreign Languages always impressed Bob .
Bob was always impressed by foreign languages.
2,His parents had aiways encourged him to study a foreign language
He was always encouraged by his parents to study a foreign language.
3,His mother had taught him Chiese when he was a little boy.
He was taught Chinese by his mother when he was a little boy.
4,His Chinese instructor told him about the exchange student programme When he was a university student,
He was told the exchange student programme by this Chinese instructor when he was a university student,
5,he hopes that a university in China will offer him a scholarship to study there someday
He hopes he will be offered a scholarship by a university in China to study there someday.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-02-03
2,他的父母aiways encourged他学习外语
第3个回答  2012-02-03
1Bob was always impressed by foreign languages.
2He was always encouraged to study a foreign language by his parents.
3.He was taught chinese by his mother when he was a little boy.
4He was told about the exchange student programme by his chinese instructor when he was a university student.
5he hopes that he will be offered a scholarship to study there by university someday.
第4个回答  2012-02-03
Bob was impressed by foreign languages.
He had always encourged by his parents to study a foreign language.
He was taught Chinese by his mother when he was a little boy
He was told by his Chinese instructor about the exchange student programme When he was a university student.
he hopes that he will be offered a a scholarship to study there someday by a uiversity.



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