句子问题 given


第1个回答  2022-10-24


咁就第二句既问题,过去分词系咪可随意同主词调位? 咁就等于倒装句? 系given做prepostion既情况下," Given the city was ruined through the storm
the mayor announces that the city is in state of emergency."岩唔岩? 同grammer有冇错?


咁" Given are o column graphs paring the rates of secondary and tertiary education among males and females in various different parts of the world. 有冇一个subject+verb+object既写法

" The figure given shows the birth rates of China and the USA beeen 1920 and2000.' 这里的given是过去分词,当名词figure的修饰语,属形容词性质。 " Given are o column graphs paring the rates of secondary and tertiary education among males and females in various different parts of the world. 这里的given也是过去分词,当主词补语,因为倒装,所以才移到句子的最前面。倒装的原因是主词加上修饰语(paring A and B)后太长,为免头重脚轻,所以句子倒装。 Given that conflict is inevitable
we rised to learn how to manage it. 这里的given才是介系词(preposition)的用法,given = because of 2012-08-06 08:58:29 补充: " Given (that) the city was ruined through the storm
the mayor announces that the city is in state of emergency." 这里的given = because of,是介系词(前置词 or preposition)的用法。因为不属于分词构句的用法,所以可以不考虑其主词是否与主句相同的问题。
咁就第二句既问题,过去分词系咪可随意同主词调位? 咁就等于倒装句? 广东话还蛮神似台语的,哈哈



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