初一英语题 悬赏100

不求速度只求质量一定要典型 还有讲解(可无)但要有答案哦。
我要的是人教版的 忘说了 SORRY

第1个回答  推荐于2016-12-01
1.( )I'll give her your message ____ I see her.
A.before B.because C.as soon as D.so
2.( )Most of young people love ____.
A.swimming B.swiming C.to swim D.swam
3.( )The old man stopped ____ and had a rest under the big tree.
A.walked B.walks C.walking D.to walk
4.( )The boy's father enjoyed ____ on May Day.
A.him B.himself C.them D.themselves
5.( )We all look forward to ____ you.
A.visit B.visiting C.visited D.hear
6.( )Has she finished ____ the books?
A.reads B.read C.reading D.to read
7.( )____ is different for the young boy to answer this question.
A.This B.It C.That D.These
8.( )Do you enjoy ____ round the world?
A.travel B.travels C.travelling D.to travel
9.( )We have known each other ____ we were little boys.
A.when B.after C.for D.since
10.( )Little Clark is only four.He is ____ young ____ go to school.
A.so;that B.too;to C.so;to D.enough;to
11.( )We ____ to know each other in 1995.We ____ friends for five years.
A.got;have been B.have got;have been C.have got;are D.got;are
12.( )Here are some Teachers' Day cards ____ our teachers ____ our beat wishes.
A.to;with B.for;with C.for;on D.on;for
13.( )My father ____ to go to school by bus when he was young.
A.don't use B.didn't used C.doesn't use to D.didn't use
14.( )Our team is going to play basketball ____ a good team.
A.for B.to C.in D.with
15.( )The mother told the boy ____ before he went to bed.
A.have a shower B.has a shower C.to have a shower D.had a shower

1.He doesn't like r____ his bike to school.
2.Help y____ to some fish.
I'm afraid the children are too young to look after t____.
4.Tim Watts has b____ to China many times before.
5.The girl is good at d____.She is a dancer.

1.C.as soon as
2.A.swimming (love+动词ing)
3.C.walking (stop+动词ing,这里的意思是停止走路去休息。)
4.B.himself (enjoy oneself 是个固定搭配)
5.B.visiting (look forward to+动词ing形式)
6.C.reading (finish+动词ing形式)
7.B.It (形容某件事情怎么样,开头通常用it is)
8.C.travelling (enjoy+动词ing形式)
9.D.since (这里是现在完成时,表示过去的一段时间内所发生的是事情。这句话的意思是:当我们还是小男孩的时候,我们已经认识了。)
10.B.too;to (too……to是固定搭配,表示太……去做某事)
11.A.got;have been (前句是过去时,表一个时间点,用的是动词的过去形式;后句是现在完成时,表一段时间)
12.B.for;with (for+人称,表示送……给某人。with best wishes 给某人最好的祝福。)
13.D.didn’t use (when he was young表示过去时,所以用助动词did回答。由于did+动词原形,所以后面的use用回原形)
14.D.with (和某队之间比赛用with)
15.C.to have a shower (told……to do something 固定搭配,意思是告诉某人去做某事)

1.riding (like+动词ing形式)
2.yourself (help oneself 固定搭配)
4.been (have been to 去过某地)
5.dancing (be good at+动词ing形式)

leave sb by oneself 独自留下某人
needn't=don't have to 不需
it is+形容词+to do sth
make sb to do sth 让某人做某事
let sb to do sth 让某人做某事
enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩得开心
tell sb (not)to do sth 告诉某人做某事
ask sb (not)to do sth 询问某人做某事
be(not)+形容词+enouth+to do sth
be+too+形容词+to do sth
take care of=look after 照顾
each+of 固定搭配
as soon as 一……就
以上词语后跟to do sth
以上词语后跟doing sth
以上词语后可跟to do sth也可跟doing sth。比如“forget to do sth”意思是“忘记去做某事(表示事情还没做)”,“forget doing sth”则表示“忘了做过某事(表示事情已经做了)”,如此类推,其余两个用法相同。
see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事
see sb do sth 看见过某人做某事
make it+形容词+to do sth
enjoy/help/teach+oneself 靠自己
reach=get to=arrive in/at 注:arrive in表示到达较大的地方,比如一个国家,一座城市等;arrive at表示到达较小的地方,如学校,电影院等。
have been to 曾经去过某地(现在已经回来了)
have been in 一直在某地(现在仍在某地)
have gone to 去了某地(现在正在去的途中,还没回来)
look forword to+动词ing
diveded into 把……分成
a little=a bit of 一点点
began→be on
come/arrive→be here
go/leave→be away
die→be dead
join→be a member(in)
in+一段时间 表示将来
将来时表达形式:be going to do sth=will do sth=be doing sth
do one's best = try one's best 尽力去做某事
afraid to +动词
afraid of +名词
use to do sth 过去常做某事
didn't use to do = usen't to do 过去不做某事
no longer = not any longer 现在不做某事
fill with = be full of 装满
go to bed 上床去睡觉
go to sleep 入睡
fall asleep 从上床到入睡的全过程(动态)
be asleep 睡着(静态)
make out of 用……做出
a bit + 形容词
a bit of + 名词
a few (用于可数名词肯定句)
few (用于可数名词否定句)
a little (用于不可数名词肯定句)
little (用于不可数名词否定句)
many (用于可数名词)
much (用于不可数名词)
bit (可数与不可数两者均可)
one 一个
ones 复数
another 另外一个
the other 两个里面剩下的一个,表单数
others (除了一部分)其中的一部分
the others 剩下所有的,表复数
fall asleep = stay awake 熬夜
did(not)……until 知道……才(不)做
both...and 两者都
neither...nor 两者都不
either...or 不是……就是,表示两者选择其中一者本回答被提问者采纳



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