

第1个回答  2024-06-12
1. 视野那么宽,眼界却那么窄。
Vision is so wide, but perspective is so narrow.
2. 生活又判岩到了一个需要自我改变的契机了,拿出勇气来面对它。
Life has reached another juncture that calls for self-transformation; muster the courage to confront it.
3. 你好帅哥,我是布鲁克。哇哦,你的骨骼如此清新脱俗,你的笑容如此香甜诱人。
Hello, handsome, I'm Brooke. Wow, your bones are so clean and elegant, and your smile so sweet and alluring.
4. 为什么你们活得那么快乐。因为我们缺心眼。
Why do you live so happily? Because we're simple-minded.
5. 别拍键为别人改变自己。
Don't change yourself for others.
6. 朋友,内心升腾的欲念,将带给你无尽的痛苦。
Friend, the rising desire in your heart will bring you endless pain.
7. 我不是肥,我是毛发蓬松。
I'm not fat, I'm fluffy.
8. 人至贱则长命百岁。
The most humble person will live a long life.
9. 你这个诡计多端的小妖精。
You crafty little goblin.
10. 我们太火啦,火得都冒烟啦。
We're so hot we're smoking.
11. 告诉你兔子,海盗行为总是要得报应的。
Let me tell you, rabbit, piracy always has its consequences.
12. 如果我死了,随便找个女的做我妻子,告诉她我爱她。
If I die, just find any woman to be my wife and tell her I love her.
13. 就算你们全都死了,我还能在你们坟头上跳舞。
Even if all of you die, I can dance on your graves.
14. 在分离的时候,猛犸象说了一句:“不管发生什么,我都会找到你们!”听起来很温暖。
At the time of separation, the mammoth said, "No matter what happens, I will find you!" It sounds heartwarming.
15. 能不能脱俗冲巧,离低级趣味,做个纯粹的老鼠?
Can you break away from the vulgar and be a pure mouse?



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