

第1个回答  2022-07-10

   一、课型: listening and speaking


  本单元是第七模块第一单元, 是在五,六模块的基础上, 进一步学习形容词的最高级形式及” by + 交通工具”的用法. 通过围绕交通这一话题, 展开了听,说,读,写方面的活动,学生通过对形容词的最高级形式的操练,能够就相关话题进行问答, 并且在听力过程中, 学会通过图表获取文中信息的能力.最后使学生达到能够用形容词的最高级形式描述自己或他人旅行的目的.






  词汇: 能听懂、会读及拼写单词: journey, ferry, subway, taxi, crowded, modern, fast, most, close, 使学生在明确单词的基本含义的同时,并能围绕交通话题,运用所学词汇进行问答, 并用形容词的最高级形式描述各类交通方式.

  语法: 形容词的最高级形式的变化规则及用法; by+交通工具的表达方式.











  1)重点:形容词的最高级形式及by + 交通工具”的用法



  step 1 warming-up

  1.play a beautiful english song before the class.

  2.then t asks 3 questions to lead in the new lesson.

  q1: which country will hold the olympic games in XX?

  s: beijing, china. then t gives a picture of beijing.

  q2: would you like to go to beijing?

  s: yes.

  q3: how can you get there? s1: by plane.

  s2: by bus…

  today let’s learn something about the transport and travel. show the title on the screen.

  [设计意图] 播放歌曲的目的是让学生们放松心情,创设一个轻松的英语氛围。


  step 2 presentation

  1 give some pictures and teach the new words and the forms of superlative adjectives

  for example:

  t: what can you see in the picture? s: taxi.

  t: my mum goes to work by taxi. do you go to school by taxi? s: no.

  t: why ? s: it’s expensive.

  t: but it’s the most comfortable.

  then show many pictures about the transport. let ss say the words quickly.

  [设计意图] 通过图片创设一定的语境来教授本课的新单词及短语和形容词的最高级形式,让学生在图文之间建立联系,便于学生理解记忆所学单词,同时在应用中掌握新词汇,并为activity 2 做了铺垫。

  2 t explains: if you want to say “乘车”, “坐船”, you should use “by”, for example, “by plane”, then let ss look at the pictures and make the phrases like this: by bus, by taxi, by train, by subway…

  then give a picture that a girl is working.

  t asks: i walk to school. i can also say: i go to school on foot.

  [设计意图] 通过交通方式的组图来教授“ by + 交通方式”的短语,便于学生加深印象和理解掌握。

  3 work in pairs, ask and answer.

  t asks a student, “ i go to work by bus. how do you go to school? ”

  s: i go to school by bike/ bicycle.

  then let ss make a short dialogue like this.

  s1: how do you go to school? s2: i go to school by bus.

  [设计意图] 通过询问学生的上学方式来进一步练习 “ by + 交通方式”的短语,由于语境贴近学生的实际生活,激发了他们的学习兴趣,学生的思维完全被激活,马上就将新词汇运用到问答中去。重点交通方式的教学就顺利地解决了。

  4 show the group pictures of the transport again.

  t asks: which is the cheapest way of all? help ss answer: walking.

  then give other forms of superlative adjectives. let ss ask and answer.

  s1: which is the fastest way of all? s2 : plane.

  [设计意图] 用交通方式的组图来进行比较,从而引出形容词的最高级形式的教学内容,问答谈论,从而达到能熟练运用所学形容词的最高级形式来描述交通方式的目的,同时这些图片又进一步强化了本课所学的新单词和短语,完成了对学生循环记忆单词的引导。

  after that, t gives some forms of superlative adjectives. have ss find out the rules by themselves.

  fast→fastest cheap→cheapest

  safe→safest close→closest

  big→biggest hot→hottest

  heavy→heaviest easy→easiest

  comfortable→most comfortable

  dangerous→most dangerous

  good/well→best farthest

  [设计意图] 通过给出的同类别的形容词的最高级形式变化,使学生能很容易的找到变化规律,并且能举一反三,培养了观察能力、分析能力和归纳能力。

  step 3 listen and match

  1 have ss look at the words first.

  2 listen to the tape and match them.

  3 describe the transport with the forms of superlative adjectives.

  [设计意图] 本环节培养学生能听懂含有形容词最高级形式的小对话,并从中获取信息。同时又返回到口头训练,进而达到能熟练应用形容词的最高级形式描述交通工具目的。

  step 4 discussion.

  t : this sunday, we will go on a trip, but where are we going?

  s1: dalian.

  t : how are we going there?

  s1: by bus.

  t: why?

  s1: because it’s the easiest way.

  then have ss discuss like this in pairs.

  [设计意图] 创设一个情境,让学生利用所学的“ by + 交通方式”的短语和形容词最高级形式来自由讨论。使“死”的知识能灵活的运用到实际的生活中去,达到了情景教学的目的,另外又大大地提高了学生的口语表达能力。

  step 5 listen and fill in the table.

  t: how do daming, tony and lingling go to school ? now listen and check.

  on foot by bus by bike by train by taxi




  betty’s dad

  t plays the tape, and then check the answers.

  [设计意图] 听的活动,既复现了本课的重要词汇,更重要的是训练学生能听懂含有形容词最高级形式的语音材料,培养了学生的听力技巧。此外,这种给出提示信息的任务型听力,一降低了难度,二能让学生在听时抓住关键词,便于听懂文章,这种方法更适于我们的学生们。

  step 6 read the dialogue

  1 ss read the dialogue by themselves.

  2 divide the class into two groups. g1 read betty, g2 read betty’s mum.

  3 boys read betty’ mum, girls read betty.

  then do activity 5 . say who.

  [设计意图] 形容词最高级形式的发音不是太容易,大量的读的练习,能培养学生正确的语音语调,提高学生的朗读水平,同时锻炼学生的阅读理解及自学能力.使其更加熟悉本文内容,为做activity 5 扫清了障碍。

  step 7 find out the sentence you like best.

  1 have ss find and read the sentence they like best.

  2 then have ss make up the same sentence.

  [设计意图] 让学生在体验优美句子的同时,能仿造他们造句,体会英语句子的结构,培养了学生写的技巧,并为下一步的写作打下良好的基础。

  step 8 task.

  t: this sunday, we will go on a trip, can you make a travel plan for yourself? the following questions can help you.

  where to go ?

  how to get there? by bus, by train … why ?

  how long will it take?

  why will you go there ?( price, sightseeing, culture…)

  give a model.

  i will go on a trip to … i will go there by… because it’s the cheapest way of all. it will take …to get there. and i think it is the most beautiful place…


  ss practice in groups. then choose some of them to show their works in front.

  step 9 do some exercises.

  do some exercises about key points


  step 10 : homework

  write the composition after the class..

  [设计意图]:通过写作练习,进一步巩固所学知识,并为unit 2,3的学习打好基础.

  blackboard design.

  module 7 planes, boats and trains

  unit 1 tony has the longest journey.

  by bus which is the cheapest way of all?

  ferry fastest

  subway most comfortable

  taxi most crowded/ modern

  on foot


  本节课是一堂对话课,是在五,六模块的基础上, 进一步学习形容词的最高级形式及” by + 交通工具”的用法. 通过围绕交通这一话题, 展开了新课的教学。那么如何在真实的语境中学习形容词的最高级形式及” by + 交通工具”的用法就成了关键。

  导入环节设计的是三个问题:which country will hold the olympic games in XX? would you like to go to beijing? how can you get there? 然后展示图片。由此自然地展开本课的话题,使课堂教学从一开始就进入比较真实的语境当中。









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