

第1个回答  2022-06-13

1. 英语中关于say的短语

say about 说关于~~的看法

say a few words 说几句

say over 背诵

say out 说出来

say for 为~~~讲话(辩护)

say for oneself 为自己找借口

say to oneself 心里想,自言自语

say after跟着~~说/读

say much for 说~~~质量极好


2. 十个含有feeling的英语句子

N-COUNT 感情;情绪 A feeling is an emotion, such as anger or happiness.It gave me a feeling of satisfaction。

这给了我一种满足感。2 N-PLURAL 看法;感受;态度 Your feelings about something are the things that you think and feel about it, or your attitude towards it.She has strong feelings about the alleged growth in violence against female officers。

据称针对女警的暴力事件有所增加,她对此十分愤慨。3 N-PLURAL (可能造成困扰、伤害或难堪的)感情 When you refer to someone's feelings, you are talking about the things that might embarrass, offend, or upset them. For example, if you hurt someone'sfeelings, you upset them by something that you say or do.He was afraid of hurting my feelings。

他怕伤了我的心。4 N-UNCOUNT 感情用事;激动 Feeling is a way of thinking and reacting to things which is emotional and not planned rather than logical and practical.He was prompted to a rare outburst of feeling.他被惹得情绪非常激动,这很少见。

5 N-UNCOUNT 爱慕;同情;关切 Feeling for someone is love, affection, sympathy, or concern for them.Thomas never lost his feeling for Harriet。托马斯对哈丽雅特的爱从未消逝。

6 N-COUNT (饥饿、疲倦等)感觉,知觉 If you have a feeling of hunger, tiredness, or other physical sensation, you experience it.I also had a strange feeling in my neck。我的脖子感觉也很奇怪。

7 N-UNCOUNT (身体部位的)感觉,知觉 Feeling in part of your body is the ability to experience the sense of touch in this part of the body.After the accident he had no feeling in his legs.事故过后,他的腿丧失了知觉。8 N-COUNT 预感;感觉 If you have a feeling that something is the case or that something is going to happen, you think that is probably the case or that it is probably going to happen.I have a feeling that everything will come right for us one day。

我有种感觉,事情总有一天会变得对我们有利的。9 N-UNCOUNT (群体对…的)态度,意见,情绪 Feeling is used to refer to a general opinion that a group of people has about something.There is still some feeling in the art world that the market for such works may be declining。

艺术界一些人仍然认为,这类艺术品的市场可能趋于低迷。10 N-SING (处于某种处境的)感觉 If you have a feeling of being in a particular situation, you feel that you are in that situation.I had the terrible feeling of being left behind to bring up the baby while he had fun.我感觉糟糕透顶,我被留下抚养孩子,而他却在寻欢作乐。

11 N-SING 理解力;领悟力 If you have a feeling for something, you have an understanding of it or a natural ability to do it.Try to get a feeling for the people who live here。试着去理解在这片土地上生息的人们。

12 N-SING (地方或书本营造的)气氛,氛围 If something such as a place or book creates a particular kind of feeling, it creates a particular kind of atmosphere.That's what we tried to portray in the book, this feeling of opulence and grandeur.那就是我们在书中竭力描绘的——一种富丽堂皇的气派。13 See also: feel14 PHRASE 反感;怨恨;交恶 Bad feeling or ill feeling is bitterness or anger which exists between people, for example after they have had an argument.There's been some bad feeling between the two families.两家人之前有过节。

15 PHRASE 芥蒂;宿怨 Hard feelings are feelings of anger or bitterness towards someone who you have had an argument with or who has upset you. If you say 'no hard feelings', you are making an agreement with someone not to be angry or bitter about something.I don't want any hard feelings between our companies。我不想我们两个公司间存有什么芥蒂。

16 CONVENTION 我知道那种滋味;我理解那种感受 You say 'I know the feeling' to show that you understand or feel sorry about a problem or difficult experience that someone is telling you about.17 PHRASE 感情复杂;爱恨交加 If you have mixed feelings about something or someone, you feel uncertain about them because you can see both good and bad points about them.。

3. 含complerely的英文 句子

I have completely finished this book.

He has completely given up.

This group is completely made up of Americans.

BP should be completely responsible for all the damage from the accident.

This draft is not completely flawless.

I completely understand what you are trying to say.




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