i have yet 怎么用?


第1个回答  2011-12-25
在现在完成时的句子中,already常用于肯定句,yet常用于否定句和疑问句,但yet还有其他用法。 1. 用于否定句中,意思是还、尚、迄今、到那时”。例如 he is not yet here. 他还未到。 at three o”clock they had not yet decided whether to play basketball or not. 三点钟时他们尚未决定是否去打篮球。 2. 用于疑问句中,意思是已经”。例如 is everything ready yet ? 一切都准备好了吗? 3. 与比较级连用,意思是更”。例如 you must work yet harder. 你还需更努力地工作。 4. 与once , again , another 连用,意思是再”。例如 he has made yet another mistake. 他又犯了一个错误。 5. 用于肯定句中,意思是仍然、还得”。例如 she is yet a child. 她还是个孩子。 6. 用作并列连词时,意思是然而、可是”。例如 he studied hard yet he failed. 他学习努力,可是考试仍未及格。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-12-25
一般为 I haven't done sth yet 意为我还没做某事。yet 用于完成时的否定句中。
第3个回答  2011-12-28
可以合起来用和分开用。如I have never yet lied或I have yet to learn it.
第4个回答  2011-12-29
Generally ,it is used in the sentence which is negative or questionable .Also ,it emphsis the effluence of the thing that have been done or not been done .Another situation is ,it is used to replace "but " or "in spite of "or "though"and so on .if it is used in a comparative sentence ,it may be translate in the meaning ----"more ...."



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