
1我从未读过这个作家写的书I_ _ _ a book _ by this writer2同我说话的那个男孩是我的表弟The boy _ _ _ me is my casion3我不相信我所看到的I couldn't _ what I _4这本书是一个叫李明的学生写的This book _ _ by a studon't _ Li Ming5他总是在关心别人而从不考虑自己He is always _ _ others and never _ _ himself6这些学生给贫困家庭提供了许多帮助There students _ _ _ _ the poor familes7他们正在尽力保护环境They're _ _ _ the enironment8这些材料来自与正在被拆迁的老房屋The matenals _ _ old houses thod are _ _ _ _9不用小汽车是很难的事It's hard to stop _ _ _ 请帮忙把以上的空填起来,谢谢了,最高分!

第1个回答  2013-12-13
1我从未读过这个作家写的书I have never read a book writen by this writer2同我说话的那个男孩是我的表弟The boy which talked to me is my casion3我不相信我所看到的I couldn't believe what I saw4这本书是一个叫李明的学生写的This book was_ writen_ by a studon't called_ Li Ming5他总是在关心别人而从不考虑自己He is always care_about _ others and never think_ about_ himself6这些学生给贫困家庭提供了许多帮助There students _ _ _ _ the poor familes7他们正在尽力保护环境They're trying_ to_ _protect the enironment8这些材料来自与正在被拆迁的老房屋The matenals comes_ from_ old houses thod are _ _ _ _9不用小汽车是很难的事It's hard to stop using_small _cars _
第2个回答  2013-12-13
1,have never read-------------written2,that talks to3,believe---------saw4,is written-------------named5,concerned with----------think over6,supply many help for7,trying to protect8,come from----------being torn down now9,using the car
第3个回答  2013-12-13
have never read, writtenwho's talking withbelieve, seeis written, namedcare about, care aboutprovided much help totrying to protectcome from, breaked by old housesusing small cars




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