
第1个回答  2013-12-01
1. all out见all 2. at (或on the) outs (with someone)[美国英语]与(某人)不和(或争论等),与(某人)关系不好;与(某人)疏远 3. be out and about能够走动(或出访等) 4. be out to (do)[口语]企图(或打算或决心)(做某事) 5. do someone out of
a. 向某人骗取(或诈取) b. (用欺骗手段)使某人失去(或得不到) 6. from out (of)从…中出来 7. (from) out to out
a. 从一端到一端 b. 全部,总的 c. 全部的外形长度(或宽度) 8. from this out[美国口语]今后,从此以后 9. have something out把某种东西弄出来 10. on the outs with[口语]与(某人)不和,与(某人)关系不好(或意见不一致);和(某人)疏远 11. out and away无可比拟地;远远地;大大地 12. out and home来回往返 13. out and in
a. 进进出出,出而复进 b. 里面和外面,内外 c. [废语]充分地,里里外外 14. out and out十足地,彻头彻尾地 15. out for[美国口语]努力想到;期待;寻求,谋求,决心要获得 16. out from under[口语]脱离危险(或困境) 17. out of
a. 在…外;离开 b. 越出 c. 在…范围外 d. 用…制成的,用…制造 e. 出于,由于,因为 f. 来自;(动物)由…所生殖 g. 缺乏;没有 h. 脱离;超越 i. 丧失 j. 从…当中,从…里头 k. 与…不相宜,与…不相称 18. out of it
a. 在局外,不在内;未被邀请;不合潮流 b. 窘困,不知所措;胡乱猜测;弄错 c. 没有参与,未受牵连 d. 感到被冷落;感到闷闷不乐 19. out one's way[口语]就在附近地区 20. out on one’s feet
a. 眩晕但还能站着 b. 累极了但仍能走动 21. outs and ins
a. (道路)迂回,曲折;每个角落 b. (事情的)详情,底细,前前后后[亦作ins and outs] 22. Out upon you![古语]可耻!呸! 23. Out with him![口语]叫他滚蛋!赶他出去! 24. out with
a. 拿出,说出 b. 赶出 c. 与…不和 25. Out with it!
a. 说说看!说出来吧! b. 把它拿走 26. Out you go!出去! 以上来源于: 《21世纪大英汉词典》 英汉翻译 英英翻译 out [aut] n. (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball 例句: you only get 3 outs per inning
v. 1. to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality 例句: This actor outed last year
2. reveal (something) about somebody's identity or lifestyle 例句: The gay actor was outed last weekSomeone outed a CIA agent
3. be made known; be disclosed or revealed 例句: The truth will out
adj. 1. not allowed to continue to bat or run 例句: he was tagged out at second on a close playhe fanned out
2. being out or having grown cold 例句: the fire is out
3. not worth considering as a possibility 例句: a picnic is out because of the weather
4. out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election 例句: now the Democrats are out
5. excluded from use or mention 例句: in our house dancing and playing cards were out
6. directed outward or serving to direct something outward 例句: the out doorwaythe out basket
7. no longer fashionable 例句: that style is out these days
8. outside or external 例句: the out surface of a ship's hull
9. outer or outlying 例句: the out islands
10. knocked unconscious by a heavy blow adv. 1. away from home 例句: they went out last night
2. from one's possession 例句: he gave out money to the poor
以上来源于: WordNet



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