

第1个回答  2023-02-22




  本课侧重的是一般过去时中的被动语态的用法,即:was/were done by,如:The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.


  即a+名词+of+名词+'s或是名词复数+of+名词+'s,如:a friend of my father's或some friends of my father's。


  We have an old musical instrument. instrument,仪器、工具,常和musical搭配,表示乐器。

  It is called a clavichord. 1)sth. is called ...,...被称作...。 2)clavichord,古钢琴,钢琴的前身,与钢琴不同的是,它是通过羽毛管制作的拨子拨动一根金属丝弦发音的。

  It was made in Germany in 1861. 1)be made in,在...地方制造。注意区分be made in/of/from/by,参考教材中的额难点说明。 2)注意德国的国名和国人的表达。 3)注意年份的读法。

  Our clavichord is kept in the living room. be kept in,表示保存在...地方。

  It has belonged to our family for a long time. belong to,属于,不能用于被动语态。

  The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. 可提醒学生注意ago的用法,动词一般要用一般过去时形式。

  Suddenly, someone shouted, "It's two minutes past twelve!

  The clock has stopped!"


  I looked at my watch. It was true. 1)此处的It was true,简短有力,与前面的长句形成对比,起到一定的强调作用。 2)注意提醒学生true的拼写,学生经常拼错为ture。

  The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. 1)本句话用了拟人的修辞手法,因为refuse和welcome只用于有生命的人或物。refuse后接名词或to do。 2)可补充New Year's Eve(除夕)的表达。

  Recently it was damaged by a visitor. 注意区分damage/break/destroy/ruin/spoil。前面四个单词的破坏程度从左到右依次增大,spoil侧重的是抽象意义上的破坏或者宠溺,如:Postcards always spoil my holiday. / The boy was spoiled by his mother.

  She tried to play jazz on it! 注意区分try to do(努力做)和try doing(试着做。

  She struck the keys too hard and

  two of the strings were broken.

  1)此处用strike来表示弹奏,说明弹奏者非常用力。 2)注意区分string(弦线)/rope(粗绳)/thread(针线)。

  My father was shocked. 本句极为简短,与前面的句子相比,形成鲜明的对照,起到很好的强调作用。shocked,表示震惊。

  Now we are not allowed to touch it. allow sb. to do sth.,允许某人做某事。

  It is being repaired by a friend of my father's. 被动语态的进行时对于学生来说比较难理解和掌握,需要仔细讲解。



  2、可对比主动语态和被动语态的表达效果。如:Our clavichord is kept in the living room. vs. We keep the clavichord in the living room.可让学生体会两者的差别,以及作者为什么采用被动语态来表达。






  本课侧重的是动词不定式做宾语补足语的用法,如:He wants me to ask you a question. / Frank helped Tom to dig this hole.


  I was having dinner at a restaurant

  when Tony Steel came in.

  1)复习过去进行时的用法,侧重when的用法,即主句动词用过去进行时、when引导的从句动词用一般过去时,注意与while的区别(while引导的并列句的动词用过去进行时,另一个并列句用一般过去时或过去进行时)。如原句可以改为:While I was having dinner at a restaurant, Tony Steel came in. 2)注意restaurant的拼写和读音。

  Tony worked in a lawyer\s office years ago,

  but he is now working at a bank.

  1)可从but前后两句话中的时间状语years ago和now来提问学生动词时态的使用。 2)注意work in a lawyer's office和work at a bank中不同地点采用的不同的介词。 3)lawyer只需识记基本意思,注意bank也可以表示河岸。

  He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money

  from his friends and never pays it back.

  1)get a good salary,收入不错。注意salary(月薪、年薪)与wage(周薪)和pay(时薪)的区别。 2)borrow sth. from sb.,从某人处借某物。注意与下文中的lend sth. to sb.(把某物借给某人)的区别。 3)pay sth. back,偿还或报复,文中意为偿还。

  Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. 1)可分析此处连用三个动词,用and连接,其实是一种排比句式,起到很好的强调作用,把Tony见到任何人都会想到要借钱的特点描述得很形象。可看情况对比凯撒的名言:I came, I saw, I conquered. 2)sit at the table,坐下吃饭。

  He has never borrowed money from me. 可提问学生为什么此处使用现在完成时(标志性词语never)。

  While he was eating, I asked him

  to lend me twenty pounds.

  可让学生改为由when引导的句子,即:When I asked him to lend me twenty pounds, he was eating。但要注意,两句话在表意上侧重点不同,原句侧重的是我主动向Tony借钱,而改完之后侧重点在Tony在吃饭。

  To my surprise, he lent me the money immediately. 1)to one's surprise,令人惊讶的是。 2)immediately可以放在lent前面,但不如放在句末好,因为这样可以突出Tony借钱给我的不假思索,作者以此来为下文埋下伏笔。

  I have never borrowed any money from you,'

  Tony said, 'so now you can pay for my dinner!'

  1)pay for sth.,付钱买什么。 2)注意本句话暗含的意思是:作者因为向Tony借了20镑,因此欠了Tony一个人情,所以最后落得不但要还20镑,还得通过给Tony的晚餐买单来还人情,可谓“偷鸡不成蚀把米”。



  2、尾重原理的运用,如:To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately.




  表示将来会发生的事情,形式为will do,如:We'll meet him early in the morning.


  小品词主要是指介词或副词。本课侧重的是be+副词的用法,常见的表达有:be away/back(离开/回来);be out/in(出门/在家);be (all) over(结束); be on(上演); be up to(达到); be after(寻找); be up(起床)等。


  Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison,

  will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.

  1)Captain Charles Alison用作neighbour的同位语,起补充说明作用。 2)captain表示船长,此处用作头衔,首字母要大写。 3)sail from,从某地起航。 4)可简单介绍一下英国港口城市朴茨茅斯(Portsmouth)。

  We'll meet him at the harbour

  early in the morning.

  1)meet sb.,接/送某人。 2)harbour一般表示天然港口,注意与port(人工港口)的区别。 3)early in the morning,清早、一大早。

  He will be in his small boat Topsail.

  Topsail is a famous little boat.

  1)注意两句话说到同一艘小船(boat)时,却前后分别使用了small和little。small往往指物理意义上的小,而little则融入了说话者对这艘船的喜爱之情,觉得这艘船很小巧、惹人爱。 2)可解读一下这艘船的名称Topsail,说明这艘船的名字起得很好。 3)famous,的,名词原形是fame(名声,名望)。

  It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. 1)因为本句含有many times,所以动词采用了现在完成时形式。 2)可介绍世界四大洋:the Pacific/Atlantic/Indian/Arctic Ocean。

  Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock,

  so we'll have plenty of time.

  1)set out,表示出发,相当于set off。 2)plenty of,许多,一般后接不可数名词。

  We'll see his boat and then

  we'll say goodbye to him.

  say goodbye to sb.,向某人道别。say sth. to sb.,向某人说,比如:say hello to sb.,向某人问好;say good morning to sb.,向某人问早上好。

  He will be away for two months. be away,表示离开。此处之所以不用瞬间动词leave来表达离开,是因为后面用了表时间段的for two months。

  We are very proud of him. be proud of,以...为豪。

  He will take part in an important race

  across the Atlantic.

  1)take part in,参加。 2)important,重要的。 3)race,竞速类比赛。可对比match(多指球赛)与competiton(多指学科等智力知识类比赛)的用法。





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