

第1个回答  2024-06-10


    选择生孩子:Accommodating a Pregnancy

    改变人生:A Change of Heart

    外星人之饥:A Hungry Alien

    第二次机会:A Second Chance

    猿徒弟:My Apprentice the Ape

    新的一天:The Advent of a New Day

    地图拍卖:At the Auction of an Atlas

    观赏芭蕾:At the Ballet

    士兵的盛宴:A Soldiers' Feast

    面谈:An Interview

    快速认识女孩:A Blistering Blueprint for Meeting a Girl

    停车场爱情:Parking Lot Love

    贿赂的后果:Because of a Bribe

    是否需要改变?:Time for a Change?

    噩梦成真:A Worst Fear Came True

    插队事件:Butting in Line

    生活目标:A Sense of Purpose

    为厨师干杯:Cheers to the Chef!

    悬崖边的人:A Real Cliffhanger

    偶然的相遇:Some Coincidence

    例外事件:An Exception

    程序设计员的夜晚:A Programmer's Concert

    公司阴谋:Company Conspiracy

    矛盾的收缩:A Constricting Contradiction

    唱反调的姐妹:My Contrary Sister

    行动起来:Get Up and Do Something

    林中夜晚:A Night in the Woods

    案件解决:A Case Solved

    黑客的诞生:The Birth of a Hacker

    警惕牙医:Dentists Beware!

    独居生活:A Life Alone

    九个手指头:Nine Fingers

    紫色迪厅:The Purple Disco

    博士的伪装:A Doctoral Diversion

    海豚之泳:Swimming with Dolphins

    复活节佣人:An Easter Servant

    求助请求:A Request for Help

    无价值的努力:A Worthless Endeavor

    错误的计划:Bad Planning

    失败的旅行:A Failed Expedition

    狂热者的盛宴:A Feast for Fanatics

    游泳时刻:Time for a Swim

    游泳后的世界:After the Swim

    永远的最好:Staying the Best

    兄弟会的陨落:The Fall of the Frat Boys

    赌徒的生活:Another Day in the Life of a Gambler

    刺激手术:A Glamorous Operation

    伤心的新郎:A Grieving Groom

    黑客协会:A Hackers Guild

    鬼屋经历:A Haunted House

    一千万:Ten Million

    搭救狐狸:To Save a Fox

    作家的临终:The Deathbed of a Writer

    总统的演说:The President's Speech

    犯罪高手的愤怒:A Crime Boss's Indignation

    显眼的秘密:In Plain Sight

    2001年分析:My Opinion on What Will Happen Now (September 20, 2001)

    印第安纳·琼斯的冒险:One More Adventure for Indiana Jones

    拒绝的邀请:Not Now!

    骑士之死:Death of a Knight

    汽水摊的故事:At the Lemonade Stand

    中奖号码:Winning Numbers

    恶毒的灵魂:A Malignant Soul

    武术学校关闭:The Closing of a Martial Arts School

    船上的女王:A Queen on Board

    坐地铁:Ride the Metro

    打倒权威:Down with the King!

    比萨过后:After Pizza

    动物:The Creature

    请求不要:No Nude Nuns Please!

    仪式:The Ceremony

    歹徒外出:An Outlaw Outing

    渺茫的希望:No Hope?

    岛上的爱国者:The Last Patriot of the Island Miki

    企鹅与麻烦:Penguin = Trouble

    女律师的坚持:A Persistent Female Lawyer

    假装虔诚:False Piety

    幸运的水暖工:The Lucky Plumber

    告别虾:No More Prawn

    高级公寓盗窃:Burglary in a Premium Apartment

    预言者:A Proficiency Prophet

    新教徒的选择:To Be a Protestant

    理解种族:In Pursuit of Understanding Race



    水下避难所:A Marine Refuge

    爬行动物的统治:Reptiles' Rule

    迈克的兄弟:My Brother Mike

    笑声竞赛:A Rivalry of Laughter

    橄榄球的救赎:My Salvation: Rugby

    孤儿问题:A Problem with Orphans

    棚屋藏身:Hiding in a Shack

    牧羊人的妻子:A Shepherd's Wife

    倒塌的建筑:Another Fallen Building

    不冒险:Never Take a Risk

    敲门声:Knock, Knock

    扮演卜派:Playing Popeye+

    杰克与茎:Jack and the Stalk


    罗宾与塔克:Robin and Tuck

    深层关系:A Deeper Relationship

    魔鬼的到来:Time for the Devil

    音乐联合会的牺牲品:Victims of a Musical Syndicate

    油船船长的生活:The Life of an Oil Tanker Captain

    人群中的爱情:Love Found Among the Masses

    龙卷风过后:After the Tornado

    公平的比赛?:A Fair Fight?

    热带跋涉:A Trek Through the Tropics

    暴虐的哥哥:My Brother the Tyrant

    停止暴动?:An Uprising Hahed?


    复仇的甜蜜:Revenge Is Sweet


    外表的欺骗:Looks Can Be Deceiving





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